[Federal Register: April 10, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 69)]
[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 18521]
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Rules and Regulations
                                                Federal Register

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[[Page 18521]]


Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39

[Docket No. 2001-CE-14-AD; Amendment 39-12164; AD 2001-06-17]
RIN 2120-AA64

Airworthiness Directives; Cessna Aircraft Company Models 172R and 
172S Airplanes

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Final rule; correction.


SUMMARY: This document makes a correction to Airworthiness Directive 
(AD) 2001-06-17, which was published in the Federal Register on March 
30, 2001 (66 FR 17345), and concerns certain Cessna Aircraft Company 
(Cessna) Models 172R and 172S airplanes. The FAA incorrectly referenced 
the AD number as ``AD 2001-06-14'' instead of ``AD 2001-06-17.'' This 
AD requires a one-time inspection for proper engine idle speed and fuel 
control mixture setting, adjustment as necessary, and incorporation of 
engine operating procedures into the pilots operating handbook (POH) 
and FAA-approved airplane flight manual (AFM). This action corrects the 
AD to reflect the correct AD number.

EFFECTIVE DATE: The effective date of this AD remains April 20, 2001.

Engineer, Wichita Aircraft Certification Office, FAA, 1801 Airport 
Road, Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas 67209; telephone: (316) 
946-4143; facsimile: (316) 946-4407.



    On March 24, 2001, FAA issued AD 2001-06-17, Amendment 39-12164 (66 
FR 17345, March 30, 2001), which applies to certain Cessna Models 172R 
and 172S airplanes. The AD currently requires a one-time inspection for 
proper engine idle speed and fuel control mixture setting and 
adjustment, as necessary. This AD also requires incorporating engine 
operating procedures into the POH/AFM.

Need for the Correction

    We incorrectly referenced the AD number as ``AD 2001-06-14'' 
instead of ``AD 2001-06-17.'' If we did not correct the AD number, then 
the logbooks of the affected airplane would reference compliance with 
the wrong AD.

Correction of Publication

    Accordingly, the publication of March 30, 2001 (66 FR 17345), of 
Amendment 39-12164; AD 2001-06-17, which was the subject of FR Doc. 01-
7831, is corrected as follows:

Sec. 39.13  [Corrected]

    On page 17346, in Sec. 39.13, in the third column, the 22nd line 
from the bottom of the page, correct ``2001-06-14'' to ``2001-06-17''.
    Action is taken herein to correct this reference in AD 2001-06-17 
and to add this AD correction to Sec. 39.13 of the Federal Aviation 
Regulations (14 CFR 39.13).
    The effective date remains April 20, 2001.

    Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on April 4, 2001.
Michael Gallagher,
Manager, Small Airplane Directorate, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 01-8746 Filed 4-9-01; 8:45 am]