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Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Pu‘u ‘O‘o –Kupaianaha Eruption statistics, 1983 through 2007


Total area covered by lava 1/3/83-12/27/07: 119.4 km2 (46.1 mi2)

New (vegetated) territory covered in 2007: 2.5 km2 (0.97 mi2)


Net total of new land created, Nov 86-Dec. 2007: ~169 hectares (418 acres)

Net change of land in 2007: ~32 hectares lost, primarily due to East Lae‘apuki bench collapse

**These figures do not include new land that was claimed by wave erosion or collapse of the active lava bench. Due to these processes, the total area of new land has decreased in some years, including 2005-2007.



Total (dense rock equivalent) from 01/83 through 12/07: ~3.3 km3


Other fascinating facts

Height of Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō cone: 180 m (591 ft)

The cone has lost 75 m (246 ft) to collapse since 1986

Dimensions of Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō crater: 450 m x 300 m (1476 x 984 ft)

Length of episode 58 perched channel (12/07): 1.4 km (0.9 mi)


Thickness of lava at the coast: ~15-35 m (33-115 ft) over Chain of Craters Rd/Hwy 130

Total highway covered in eruption: 14.3 km (8.9 mi)


Structures destroyed

Total structures destroyed since 1983: 190


Eruption narrative

Current Eruption Update

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Updated: 1 May 2008 (pnf)