Table 1. Summary of EvidenceI,1-4

Arrow 1:

Key Questions: Does screening reduce adverse health outcomes?
Nonpregnant women: Evidence codea: I, II-3
Nonpregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Good: one randomized controlled trial indicates screening reduces pelvic inflammatory disease.
Pregnant women: Evidence codea: II-2, II-3
Pregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: no new studies; 2 studies used in prior recommendations indicate improved birth outcomes when pregnant women are screened and treated, although the control group was based on temporal changes in treatment standards in one key study, differences between cases and controls were not different in another study.
Men: Evidence codea: III
Men: Quality of evidenceb: Poor: no studies of effectiveness of screening in preventing acute infections or complications.

Arrow 2:

Key Questions: Does screening reduce the prevalence of infection?
Evidence codea: II-3
Quality of evidenceb: Poor-fair: uncontrolled studies based on time trends after initiation of screening, studies from many populations and settings report declining rates.

Key Questions: Are risk factors useful for selective screening?
Nonpregnant women: Evidence codea: II-2
Nonpregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: few studies in low prevalence, community populations, studies agree on age.
Pregnant women: Evidence codea: III
Pregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Poor: very few studies based on small populations, descriptive.
Men: Evidence codea: III
Men: Quality of evidenceb: Poor: subjects mainly from sexually transmitted disease clinics, jail, etc, descriptive.

Key Questions: What screening tests should be performed?
Nonpregnant women: Evidence codea: II-1
Nonpregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: many studies about test performance under study conditions, not well tested in large screening populations with low prevalence.
Pregnant women: Evidence codea: II-1
Pregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: few studies about test performance under study conditions, not tested in large screening populations.
Men: Evidence codea: II-1
Men: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: many studies about test performance under study conditions, not well tested in large screening populations with low prevalence.

Arrow 3:

Key Questions: What are the implications of recurrent infection?
Nonpregnant women: Evidence codea: II-2
Nonpregnant women: Quality of evidenceb: Fair: studies include high-risk subjects, lack of internal control groups, report descriptive data.

[a]Study design categories (Guide to Clinical Preventive Services56).
[b]Quality of evidence ratings based on criteria developed by the third U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.
[I]I: Randomized, controlled trials.
[1]II-1: Controlled trials without randomization.
[2]II-2: Cohort or case-control analytic studies.
[3]II-3: Multiple time series, dramatic uncontrolled experiments.
[4]III: Opinions of respected authorities, descriptive epidemiology.

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