Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: September 2002 


                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

    			Foreign-Trade Zones Board

                               (Docket 8-92)

      Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone--Fairbanks, Alaska Application Filed

                           Monday, April 13, 1992

An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the 
Board) by the Fairbanks Industrial Development Corporation (an Alaska non- 
profit corporation), requesting authority to establish a general-purpose 
foreign-trade zone in Fairbanks, Alaska, within the Fairbanks Customs port 
of entry. The application was submitted pursuant to the provisions of the 
Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the regulations 
of the Board (15 CFR part 400). It was formally filed on April 2, 1992. The 
applicant is authorized to make the proposal under section 45.77.010 of the 
Alaska Statutes.

The proposed foreign-trade zone would consist of 3 sites in the greater
Fairbanks area. Site 1 is at the Fairbanks International Airport (3,579
acres), which is owned and operated by the State of Alaska's Department of
Transportation and Public Facilities. Site 2 is the University of Alaska's
Poker Flat Research Range (5,146 acres), located in the Fairbanks North
Star Borough (30 mi. north of Fairbanks), which includes a satellite
launching facility. The facility is owned by the State of Alaska. Site 3
involves the North Star Industrial Park (85 acres), South Cushman Street
and Van Horn Drive in Fairbanks. This site, which is owned by North Star,
Inc., contains several warehouse facilities.

The application indicates there is a need for zone services in the
Fairbanks area. The zone project is designed to provide zone services
particularly for companies requiring an airport location. It involves sites
which would be available for warehousing/distribution activity for items
such as snow machines and oilfield production equipment. The Poker Flat
Research Range site is being developed as a center for launching unique
high latitude small payload satellites. Specific manufacturing approvals
are not being sought at this time. Requests would be made to the Board on a
case-by-case basis.

In accordance with the Board's regulations (as revised, 56 FR 50790-50808,
10- 8-91), a member of the FTZ Staff has been designated examiner to
investigate the application and report to the Board.

Public comment on the application is invited from interested parties.
Submissions (original and 3 copies) shall be addressed to the Board's
Executive Secretary at the address below. The closing period for their
receipt is June 12, 1992. Rebuttal comments in response to material
submitted during the foregoing period may be submitted during the
subsequent 15-day period (to June 29, 1992).

While no public hearing has been scheduled for the FTZ Board, consideration
will be given to such a hearing during the review.

A copy of the application and accompanying exhibits will be available
during this time for public inspection at the following locations:
Office of the Port Director, 
U.S. Customs Service, 
6450 Old Airport Way,
Fairbanks, AK 99706.

Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, room 3716, 
U.S. Department of Commerce,
14th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20230.

Dated: April 7, 1992.

John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,

Executive Secretary.

(FR Doc. 92-8477 Filed 4-10-92; 8:45 am)