Import Administration
FTZ Staff Contact Information
last update: September 2002 
[Docket 16-96]

Proposed Foreign-Trade Zone--Mesa, Arizona; Application and
Public Hearing

    An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board
(the Board) by the City of Mesa, Arizona, to establish a general-
purpose foreign-trade zone in Mesa, Arizona, adjacent to the Phoenix
Customs port of entry. The application was submitted pursuant to the
provisions of the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-
81u), and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR Part 400). It was
formally filed on February 28, 1996. The applicant is authorized to
make the proposal under Section 44-6501 of the Arizona Revised

    The proposed zone would be the second general-purpose zone in the
Phoenix Customs port of entry area. The existing zone, FTZ 75, is
located at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Center at Squaw Peak Freeway and I-10
in Phoenix, adjacent to Sky Harbor International Airport (Grantee: City
of Phoenix, Board Order 185, 47 FR 14931, 4/7/82).

    The proposed foreign-trade zone would be located at Williams
Gateway Airport (3,020 acres), formerly Williams Air Force Base, 6001
South Power Road, Mesa, some 22 miles east of the Sky Harbor site.
Approximately half of the site involves existing airfield
infrastructure, and the remaining area (approximately 1,400 acres) is
available for industrial development. The site is currently leased to
Williams Gateway Airport Authority (WGAA) by the U.S. Air Force, but
the Air Force is in the process of conveying title to the property to

    The application contains evidence of the need for additional zone
services in the Mesa area. In addition to aerospace/aviation related
manufacturing, aircraft maintenance and refurbishing, WGAA plans to
market the project as an international aerospace and aviation center.
Specific manufacturing approvals are not being sought at this time.
Requests would be made to the Board on a case-by-case basis.

    In accordance with the Board's regulations, a member of the FTZ
Staff has been designated examiner to investigate the application and
report to the Board.

    As part of the investigation, the Commerce examiner will hold a
public hearing on April 4, 1996, 9:00 a.m., at Williams Gateway
Airport, Administration Building (Bldg. #41) Conference Room, 6001
South Power Road, Mesa, Arizona.

    Public comment on the application is invited from interested
parties. Submissions (original and 3 copies) shall be addressed to the
Board's Executive Secretary at the address below. The closing period
for their receipt is May 10, 1996. Rebuttal comments in response to
material submitted during the foregoing period may be submitted during
the subsequent 15-day period (to May 28, 1996).

    A copy of the application and accompanying exhibits will be
available during this time for public inspection at the following

MEGACORP, City of Mesa Economic Development, 100 North Center Street,
Mesa, AZ 85201
Office of the Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
3716, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.,
Washington, DC 20230.

    Dated: March 1, 1996.
John J. Da Ponte, Jr.,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 96-5599 Filed 3-8-96; 8:45 am]