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Federal Advisory Committee Management Advisory Committee Engagement Survey

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
GSA OGP Best Practices Report Word 184k 3/1/2005
  Agenda for Training Word 22k  
  GSA OGP Small Group Training PowerPoint 80k  
  Scorecard Worksheet Word 39k  
  ACES 2004 Advisory Committee Engagement Survey PowerPoint 56k  
  ACES 2004 Summary Blue PowerPoint 56k  
  ACES Communication Aides Word 29k  
  GSA OGP ACES 2004 Summary PowerPoint 117k  
  Best Practice Committees 2004 Excel 20k  
  ACES Brochure PDF 399k  
  ACES Memorandum for Committee Management Officers Word 24k  
  ACES Memorandum of Understanding Template Word 17k  
  ACES Template for Agency Head Memorandum Word 23k  
  ACES Template for Communications from CMO to DFOs or GFOs Word 26k  
  Draft Example of ACES Agency Letter to Department Secretary Word 25k