Before you turn the page....

Do you use common household products such as laundry detergent, drain cleaner, air freshener, furniture polish, floor wax, paint, rust remover, glue and batteries?

Do you water the lawn? Do you use fertilizer and pesticides in yard care or gardening?

Does your home run on a septic system?

Do you drive a car? Do you do your own auto maintenance and change the oil in your car?

Do you have pets or an aquarium?

Do you have a backyard swimming pool?

Do you live on waterfront property?

Do you fish or play golf?

Do you own a boat or an all-terrain vehicle?

Do you enjoy going to the beach, on picnics, or camping?

Do you vote?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions,


The information in this book applies to all of us...YOU, TOO!

Is there a common thread to the above questions? They all have to do with what individuals can do to help prevent water pollution. Most of us would like to do more for the environment. This book gives you the opportunity to do just that!

To find out more about water pollution, how individuals can make a difference, and some helpful hints on using this book, turn to the PREFACE.

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