Hawaiian Volcano 


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Volcanic Hazards

Earthquake Swarm Beneath Campground

June 2, 1997

Shortly before 07:00 a.m. on the morning of June 2, 1997, the seismic network of the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory began to record a microearthquake swarm originating near Namakani Paio campground in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. In the first four hours of the swarm, 60 earthquakes were located from this source region, and many additional earthquakes, too small to locate, were recorded.

Several of the larger earthquakes were reported felt by residents of the Volcano Golf Course subdivision and by visitors, residents, and workers in the National Park. The two largest earthquakes in this sequence occurred at 07:36 a.m. and at 07:42 a.m. Both earthquakes were approximately 3.5 in magnitude.

The significance of these shallow (5 km) earthquakes is being studied, and they pose no danger to campers at this time. The staff of the USGS's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory will continue to monitor the activity.

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