Import Administration
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last update: September 2002 


                           DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE

                               (Docket 63-91)

   Foreign-Trade Zone 61, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Application for Subzone
            Pharmaceutical Plant, Caguas, Puerto Rico; Amendment

                        Tuesday, September 22, 1992

Notice was recently given (57 FR 38667, 8/26/92) that the Application
submitted by the Puerto Rico Commercial and Farm Credit and Development
Corporation, grantee of FTZ 61, requesting special-purpose subzone status
for the pharmaceutical products manufacturing facilities of Searle & Co.
(Searle) (subsidiary of G.D. Searle & Co.) in Caguas, Puerto Rico (FTZ Doc.
63-91, filed 10/22/91, 56 FR 56187, 11/1/91), was amended to include
additional end products and foreign-sourced materials used at the Caguas

The original application and notice listed a number of specific end
products and ingredients used in the production process. The amendment
expanded the scope of end products and ingredients to be considered.
The first notice of the amendment referred to certain new end products.
This further notice is being given to provide information on certain
materials that could be sourced from abroad to be used in making products
at the plant: protein concentrates, chlorides, bromides, amine-,
carboxyamide-, and nitrile- function compounds, organo-sulfur and
heterocyclic compounds, carboxylic acids, hormones, ketones, antibiotics,
derivatives of hydrocarbons, vegetable alkaloids, natural polymers, certain
medicaments and pharmaceutical products, and other related chemical
products. Duty rates range from duty free to 23.5 percent.

The amended application remains otherwise unchanged.

The comment period is reopened until October 20, 1992.
The amendment is available for public inspection at the following location:
Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 3716,
14th & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., 
Washington, DC 20230.

Dated: September 14, 1992.

Dennis Puccinelli,

Acting Executive Secretary.

(FR Doc. 92-22983 Filed 9-21-92; 8:45 am)