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                             DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 
                           Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
                               [Docket No. 39-87] 
                                  52 FR 46110 
                                December 4, 1987 
Foreign-Trade Zone 82, Mobile, AL; Application for Subzone, Degussa 
Methionine Plant, Mobile County 
TEXT: An application has been submitted to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board 
(the Board) by the City of Mobile, Alabama, grantee of FTZ 82, requesting 
special-purpose subzone status for the methionine manufacturing facility of
Degussa Corporation, a subsidiary of Degussa AG of West Germany, located in
Mobile County, Alabama, adjacent to the Mobile Customs port of entry. The 
application was submitted pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade 
Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a-81u), and the regulations of the Board
(15 CFR Part 400). It was formally filed on November 23, 1987. 
   The plant (193 acres) is located on Highway 24, south of Hamilton Blvd.,
in Mobile County, some 2 miles southeast of Theodore, and 10 miles south of
Mobile. The facility employs 500 persons and is used to produce methionine,
aerosil, cyanuric chloride, hydrocyanic acid, and ammonium sulfate, but zone
procedures are being requested at this time only for the production of 
methionine, and amino acid used as an agricultural feed supplement. The 
primary ingredient is methylmercaptopropionaldehyde (MMP) which is sourced
   Zone procedures would exempt Degussa from Customs duty payments on its 
reexports. On its domestic sales, the company would be able to pay duties 
at the rate available to importers of methionine. The duty rate for 
methionine is 4.4 percent whereas the rate for MMP is 6.0 percent. The 
applicant indicates that the zone savings would help improve the company's
international competitiveness.  
   In accordance with the Board's regulations, an examiners committee has
been appointed to investigate the application and report to the Board. The
committee consists of: Dennis Puccinelli (Chairman), Foreign-Trade Zones 
Staff, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230; David Willette, 
District Director, U.S. Customs Service, South Central Region, P.O. Box 
2748, Mobile, AL 36652; and Colonel C. Hilton Dunn, Jr., District Engineer,
U.S. Army Engineer District Mobile, P.O. Box 2288, Mobile, AL 36628. 
   Comments concerning the proposed subzone are invited in writing from 
interested parties. They should be addressed to the Board's Executive 
Secretary at the address below and postmarked on or before January 22, 1988.
   A copy of the application is available for public inspection at each of
the following locations: 
District Director, 
U.S. Customs Service, 
250 N. Water Street, 
Mobile, AL 36652  
Office of the Executive Secretary, 
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, 
U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 1529, 
14th and Pennsylvania NW., 
Washington, DC 20230.  
   Dated: November 30, 1987 
John J. Da Ponte, Jr., 
   Executive Secretary.  
[FR Doc. 87-27886 Filed 12-3-87; 8:45 am]