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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > OASAM > Labor Hall of Fame > 1997 Honoree   

Labor Hall of Fame Honoree (1997)

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David A. Morse

David A. Morse

"Our motto is to work for peace based on social justice. Our mandate is to improve the condition, health and safety of workers, and our mission is universal."

David A. Morse Signature

A world-embracing humanitarian and civil servant, an impassioned foe of poverty and discrimination, he forged ever higher international standards in the unending quest for peace, freedom and employment. A brilliant and compassionate attorney, his career soared from the Roosevelt Administration of the 1930s, to Under Secretary of Labor in 1948, to a record 22 years as Director-General of the International Labor Organization, the oldest Specialized Agency of the United Nations. In 1969, as a result of his inspired leadership, the ILO was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

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