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Performing a Search on the VETS-100 Database

In order to conduct a search, the user must first enter the validation code and at least one valid search criterion from the search fields. Search entries are not case sensitive.

The database can be searched very broadly or very specifically. For example, if the user does not know the name of the company, but does know the city or state, they can enter this and a list of all federal contractors in that city or state will be listed. This type of search is the least specific and therefore will require some manual scrolling in order to find the specific company being requested.

The most accurate method of search is to enter the exact name of the company, as well as the correct address, city, state, and zip code. However, if any of these entries do not match the corresponding entries in the data base, the search will not be successful.

A good starting point is to enter the company name in its best available form; add the "%" sign to broaden the search and enter the state (if known) to narrow it. The "%" sign serves as a wildcard tool which allows the search engine to include all records that have the same letters in the title.

For example, if the user has only partial information on a particular field -- perhaps he or she only knows that the company starts with the word "General." By adding a "%" sign after the word "General" the search engine will report all companies that start with "General." If, however, the user only knows that the company contains the word "General, by adding a "%" sign before and after the word "General," the search engine will report all companies that contain "General." This tool can be used in all field, however it will increase the search time, especially with the second example.


Please Note: This database identifies those organizations who have submitted a VETS-100 Report for the 2008 reporting cycle. For many multiple establishment employers, only the headquarters location is included in this database. Inclusion of an organization in this database DOES confirm and verify submission of the 2008 Report. However, since Reports are continually being submitted, the absence of an organization from this list does NOT confirm or verify that an organization has not submitted its 2008 Report.

If you wish to verify submission and do not find the organization in this database, please e-mail the available identifying information (e.g., company, name, address) to You also can call (301) 306-6752 and leave a message. All requests for verification will receive a prompt response.

Validation Code (required)
Company Name
Zip Code

NOTE! Only the first 1000 records will be displayed in pages of 20 each.