Protecting wildlife for our children's future
National Wildlife Federation logo Photos of wildlife
Create a Certified Wildlife Habitat Native Coneflowers
Why Garden
For Wildlife?
Cover and Places
to Raise Young
Certify Your
Why Garden For Wildlife?

Why should I create a NWF Certified Wildlife Habitat?

  1. It's fun! Watching wildlife in action can be fun and relaxing for everyone. Your habitat may attract beautiful songbirds, butterflies, frogs, and other interesting wildlife for viewing from your very own window.

  2. Curb appeal! Replacing grass lawns with native wildflowers, shrubs, and trees will increase the beauty of your property and provide a nurturing refuge for wildlife.

  3. Bring wildlife home! Restoring habitats where commercial and residential development have degraded natural ecosystems can be your way of giving back to wildlife.

  4. Eco-friendly! Gardening practices that help wildlife, like reducing the use of chemicals, conserving energy and water, and composting also help to improve air, water and soil quality.

  5. Community! Gardening for wildlife can help you share your love of wildlife with your neighbors and help them get involved in creating a home for wildlife.

Once your habitat is certified by NWF, you can order and display an attractive Certified Wildlife Habitat sign to convey your commitment to wildlife conservation and the environment, and help you spread the word to your neighbors.

Order and post an attractive yard sign to convey to your friends and neighbors your commitment to wildlife conservation and the environment.

All species of wildlife need the basics of food, water, cover and places to raise young. Let's get started!

Ready to certify your wildlife habitat? Get started now!

Getting your whole community involved: Community Wildlife Habitats

Wildlife Habitat Message Board

Share Your Wildlife Habitat Photos

Certify online today

Order your Wildlife Habitat sign today

Useful information and tips
Get useful information and tips
for creating and maintaining a Certified Wildlife Habitat.

American Beauties

Backyard Wildlife Habitat book

Related Resources

  • Gardener's Guide to Global Warming
    Learn how climate change is affecting plants and what you can do to confront global warming.
  • American Beauties
    NWF has partnered with North Creek Nurseries and Prides Corner Farms to create the American Beauties™ collection of approximately 100 varieties of native plants.
  • Get Inspired
    Read these stories from others who have started gardening for wildlife and then add your own!
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