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Fellowship Inventory

Fellowship Research Project Search
NCER Research Projects:

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EPA is required to track the careers of the fellows we fund.  NCER maintains a database that enables us to answer the necessary questions about the program (such as “How many fellowships have you given to students in <<insert name of state>>?”) and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the program, which is necessary to preserve our funding and to respond to periodic audits. The most significant demonstration of the program’s effectiveness is the ability to show that we have provided fellowships only to the most deserving students and that our fellows have gone on to have important careers in environmentally related fields.  

This databaseexit EPA is only as good as the information in it.  Simply put, we cannot demonstrate the success and value of the fellowship programs unless you comply with the reporting requirements. 

At the start of your fellowship, NCER will give you a user name and password.   We request that you assist us by entering and updating your information periodically, both during your fellowship and for ten years after it ends.  This information is securely kept.  Besides you, no one can access this information except your project officer and the data base management staff.  EPA does not sell or share any personal information with anyone.  We only use it to generate reports about the program as a whole, such as the number of fellows from a certain state or the number of fellows who were funded in certain disciplines.  We do keep personal information such as contact information, but we only use this to contact you for updates or to notify you of opportunities, such as the chance to review journal articles or to serve on a peer review panel. 

You are not required to provide demographic information, although we strongly urge you to provide it because EPA is required to provide periodic reports on certain demographic parameters.  Any demographic information we report will be in aggregate and cannot be traced to individual fellows. 

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