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Springtime tips for the environment


Tips to help you and your family find ways to reduce pollution and learn about the environment. Doing little things can go a long way to having a healthy spring.

In your garden
Using pesticides safely
In and around the house
Conserving and protecting our water resources

In your garden

A beautiful and healthy lawn is good for our environment. It can resist damage from weeds, disease, and insect pests. Pesticides can be effective, but need to be used according to the directions on the label and should not be relied on as a quick-fix to lawn problems.

Here are some tips to follow:

For more information see:

Your Yard and Clean Air
http://www.epa.gov/OMS/consumer/19-yard.pdf (PDF) (2 pp, 16K, About PDF)

Healthy Lawn, Healthy Environment (19 pp, 1745K, About PDF) - Information about environmentally friendly lawn care.
http://www.epa.gov/oppfead1/Publications/lawncare.pdf (PDF)

Green Landscaping

Bringing conservation from the countryside to your backyard

Using pesticides safely

If you decide that the best solution to your pest problem is a pesticide, follow these tips when selecting and using a garden product:

For more information about:

House with fence

In and around the house

Spring Cleaning
If you are going to be doing some spring cleaning, take a look around your house for items that present environmental hazards when they are improperly disposed of. Leftover household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable, or reactive ingredients are considered to be "household hazardous waste" or "HHW." Products, such as paints, cleaners, oils, batteries, and pesticides, that contain potentially hazardous ingredients require special care when you dispose of them. http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/hhw.htm

Springtime Recycling Activities You can recycle all year long but in the spring there are special things that you can do in your yard such as composting. To learn more see

Recycling Around the Home Learn how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle materials and decrease the amount and toxicity of the waste produced in and around your home.

Are you thinking of buying a new computer?
Consider recycling your old computer and other electronics

Is your home's cooling equipment more than 10 years old? If so, EPA encourages you to have your current system inspected for energy performance by a professional contractor before their busy summer season hits. If it's time for a replacement, be sure to choose equipment that has earned the ENERGY STAR for high efficiency. If it's not yet time to replace, have your contractor perform routine annual maintenance on your system to make sure it will efficiently and comfortably carry you through the hot summer months without costing you more than necessary on your energy bills. Learn more:


Conserving and protecting our water resources

During the spring it is especially important to conserve and protect water.

Water Saver Home - Learn what you can do to reduce water use in your home -- take a virtual tour of this Water Saver Home.
http://www.h2ouse.net Exit EPA Disclaimer 

Before you go fishing, see the following Fish Advisories. Although fish can be an important part of a heathy diet, some some fish contain harmful amounts if mercury.

Have a question? Call one of the EPA National Hotlines

Materials for the classroom

For Kids
U.S. EPA Environmental Kids Club - Projects, Games, Art and Helpful Tips

For Students
U.S. EPA Student Center - Environmental Concepts, Activities and Tips

For Teachers
Environmental Education Center - Basic Environmental Concepts and Teaching Aids

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