U.S. Census Bureau

Voting and Registration in the Election of November 1976 (P20-322)

Issued: March 1978

Report [PDF 2.6M]

Table 1 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Sex and Single Years of Age: November 1976 [PDF 194k]

Table 2 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1976 [PDF 638k]

Table 3 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Spanish Origin, and Metropolitan-Nonmetropolitan Residence, for the United States and Regions: November 1976 [PDF 178k]

Table 4 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, and Age, for Divisions: November 1976 [PDF 886k]

Table 5 - Reported Voting and Registration in the General and Primary Election of Persons of Voting Age, by Sex and Age, for the 25 Largest States: November 1976 [PDF 190k]

Table 6 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Sex and Age, for 30 Largest Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: November 1976 [PDF 230k]

Table 7 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Household Relationship, Race, and Sex: November 1976 [PDF 109k]

Table 8 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Sex, Age, and Marital Status: November 1976 [PDF 139k]

Table 9 - Reported Voting of Family Heads and Wives 18 Years Old and Over, by Race and Years of School Completed by Head and Wife: November 1976 [PDF 308k]

Table 10 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, Age, and Years of School Completed: November 1976 [PDF 280k]

Table 11 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Sex, Employment Status, and Class of Worker: November 1976 [PDF 136k]

Table 12 - Reported Voting and Registration of Employed Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Sex, and Major Occupation Group: November 1976 [PDF 134k]

Table 13 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age in Primary Families, by Race, Age, Sex, and Family Income: November 1976 [PDF 116k]

Table 14 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Duration of Residence, Sex, and Age: November 1976 [PDF 113k]

Table 15 - Reported Reason Not Voting of Persons Who Reported That They Were Registered But Did Not Vote, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1976 [PDF 926k]

Table 16 - Reported Reason Not Registered to Vote of Persons of Voting Age, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, and Age, for the United States and Regions: November 1976 [PDF 967k]

Table 17 - Reported Reason Not Voting in 1976 of Persons 22 Years Old and Over Who Voted in 1972, by Race, Sex, and Age: November 1976 [PDF 114k]

Table 18 - Reported Reason Not Registered to Vote in 1976 of Persons 22 Years Old and Over Who Voted in 1972, by Race, Sex, and Age: November 1976 [PDF 119k]

Table 19 - Reported Voting in 1976 and 1972 of Persons 22 Years Old and Over, by Race, Spanish Origin, Sex, and Age: November 1976 [PDF 124k]

Table 20 - Reported Voting in 1976 and 1972 of Persons 22 Years Old and Over, by Race, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1976 [PDF 103k]

Table 21 - Year Last Voted of Persons Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Age, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1976 [PDF 109k]

Table 22 - Year Last Voted of Persons Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Age, Sex, and Duration of Residence: November 1976 [PDF 115k]

Table 23 - Whether Ever Voted of Persons of Voting Age Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Sex, and Age: November 1976 [PDF 49k]

Table 24 - Whether Ever Voted of Persons of Voting Age Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Sex, and Years of School Completed: November 1976 [PDF 44k]

Table 25 - Whether Ever Voted of Employed Persons of Voting Age Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Sex, and Major Occupation Group: November 1976 [PDF 69k]

Table 26 - Whether Ever Voted of Persons of Voting Age in Primary Families Who Reported Not Voting in 1976, by Race, Sex, and Family Income: November 1976 [PDF 51k]

Table 27 - Reported Voting and Registration of Persons 18 Years and Over, by Type of Respondent, Race, Sex, and Age, for the United States: November 1976 [PDF 561k]

Appendix A. Definitions and Explanations [PDF 857k]

Appendix B. November Voting Supplement Questionnaire [PDF 68k]

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