PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Exhibit 17. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS BY SELECTED COUNTRIES: 2007 (In millions of dollars. Detail may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero or less than one half unit of measurement shown. (X) Not Applicable. Country Total Cars Trucks Parts EXPORTS TOTAL 124,621 43,743 19,459 61,419 Australia 2,181 641 702 839 Austria 699 78 2 619 Belgium 797 310 58 429 Brazil 796 53 51 692 Canada 60,833 15,121 13,084 32,628 Germany 8,881 7,162 144 1,575 Japan 2,315 505 82 1,728 Korea 938 345 60 533 Mexico 19,189 3,689 1,374 14,126 Saudi Arabia 2,513 2,133 132 248 Sweden 372 135 12 225 Taiwan 125 43 7 75 United Kingdom 2,507 1,393 127 988 Other 22,475 12,137 3,624 6,714 IMPORTS TOTAL 245,562 133,859 23,099 88,605 Australia 184 5 8 170 Austria 4,200 3,669 (-) 532 Belgium 1,079 802 110 168 Brazil 1,568 37 121 1,410 Canada 65,800 36,697 10,994 18,110 Germany 24,532 17,489 230 6,813 Japan 55,276 43,673 667 10,936 Korea 11,312 8,235 (-) 3,077 Mexico 49,927 13,494 10,017 26,416 Saudi Arabia (-) (-) (-) (-) Sweden 2,692 2,360 120 212 Taiwan 2,153 78 3 2,072 United Kingdom 5,450 4,051 408 991 Other 21,388 3,269 420 17,699 _________________ NOTE: Data not available on a Balance of Payments basis. For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page 27 of the FT900 release, or at or _________________ SOURCE: Report U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: Annual Report for 2007 (CB-08-89, BEA-08-26), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.