PART B: NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED Exhibit 17. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND PARTS BY SELECTED COUNTRIES: 2005 (In millions of dollars. Detail may not equal totals due to rounding. (-) Represents zero or less than one half unit of measurement shown. (X) Not Applicable. October Country Total Cars Trucks Parts EXPORTS TOTAL 11,849 4,235 1,947 5,667 Australia 224 57 77 90 Austria 49 15 (-) 34 Belgium 87 41 7 39 Brazil 62 3 (-) 59 Canada 5,795 1,410 1,237 3,148 Germany 927 759 18 150 Japan 185 40 9 136 Korea 85 28 6 51 Mexico 1,684 348 136 1,200 Saudi Arabia 233 195 10 28 Sweden 37 14 1 22 Taiwan 7 1 (-) 6 United Kingdom 227 135 10 82 Other 2,247 1,190 434 623 IMPORTS TOTAL 23,016 13,178 1,952 7,886 Australia 13 (-) 1 12 Austria 602 575 (-) 27 Belgium 91 64 12 14 Brazil 141 (-) 5 135 Canada 6,344 3,732 947 1,664 Germany 2,371 1,708 18 645 Japan 5,084 4,010 63 1,012 Korea 860 617 (-) 243 Mexico 4,582 1,403 832 2,347 Saudi Arabia (-) (-) (-) (-) Sweden 246 225 5 16 Taiwan 169 15 (-) 154 United Kingdom 603 488 33 81 Other 1,910 340 35 1,535 _________________ November Country Total Cars Trucks Parts EXPORTS TOTAL 11,629 4,339 1,892 5,397 Australia 174 39 72 63 Austria 42 3 1 38 Belgium 57 22 4 31 Brazil 68 8 4 55 Canada 5,763 1,502 1,279 2,982 Germany 788 639 18 131 Japan 169 27 10 132 Korea 85 36 8 42 Mexico 1,756 431 117 1,209 Saudi Arabia 374 338 14 22 Sweden 31 10 1 20 Taiwan 10 2 (-) 7 United Kingdom 171 78 13 80 Other 2,141 1,204 352 585 IMPORTS TOTAL 22,289 12,900 1,858 7,532 Australia 14 1 2 11 Austria 619 600 (-) 19 Belgium 86 66 6 14 Brazil 124 1 8 115 Canada 6,220 3,725 910 1,584 Germany 2,139 1,569 31 539 Japan 5,015 4,024 57 934 Korea 970 705 (-) 265 Mexico 4,319 1,308 758 2,254 Saudi Arabia (-) (-) (-) (-) Sweden 260 238 7 15 Taiwan 172 8 (-) 164 United Kingdom 492 367 35 90 Other 1,860 290 43 1,527 _________________ December Country Total Cars Trucks Parts EXPORTS TOTAL 9,760 4,201 1,642 3,917 Australia 170 54 51 65 Austria 40 6 (-) 33 Belgium 73 35 7 30 Brazil 99 7 28 64 Canada 4,327 1,425 1,019 1,883 Germany 547 414 15 118 Japan 198 33 5 160 Korea 108 56 5 47 Mexico 1,342 350 119 873 Saudi Arabia 419 376 16 27 Sweden 36 17 1 18 Taiwan 16 8 1 7 United Kingdom 197 106 17 74 Other 2,188 1,315 357 517 IMPORTS TOTAL 19,188 11,259 1,637 6,293 Australia 15 2 2 11 Austria 600 573 (-) 27 Belgium 134 123 2 9 Brazil 125 (-) 6 119 Canada 4,476 2,495 817 1,164 Germany 2,017 1,476 24 517 Japan 4,695 3,817 48 831 Korea 883 646 (-) 237 Mexico 3,504 1,181 669 1,654 Saudi Arabia (-) (-) (-) (-) Sweden 218 188 16 14 Taiwan 171 3 (-) 168 United Kingdom 498 389 23 86 Other 1,854 367 31 1,456 _________________ NOTE: Data not available on a Balance of Payments basis. For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page 27 of the FT900 release, or at or _________________ SOURCE: Report U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: Annual Report for 2007 (CB-08-89, BEA-08-26), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division. For more information, contact Nick Orsini (301-763-6959) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.