Hawaiian Volcano 


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---------1945, Protection of harbors from lava flows: Amer!can Journal of Science, v. 243-A, p. 333-351.
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Macdonald, G.A., and Hubbard, D.H., 1982, Volcanoes of the national parks in Hawaii (8th ed.): Honolulu, Hawaii Natural History Association, 64 p.
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Perret, F.A., 1913a, The lava fountains of Kilauea: American Journal of Science, ser. 4, v. 35, no. 206, p. 139-148.
---------1913b, Subsidence phenomena at Kilauea in the summer of 1911: American Journal of Science, ser. 4, v. 35, no. 209, p. 469-476.
---------1913c, Some Kilauea ejectamenta: American Journal of Science, ser. 4, v. 35, no. 210, p. 611-618.
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Wentworth, C.A., and Powers, H.A., 1962, The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Fiftieth Anniversary, unpublished ms: Hilo, Apple collection, Mo'okini Library, University of Hawaii.
Wilkes, Charles, 1845, Narrative of the U.S. Explonng Expedition during the years 1838-1842, v. 4: Philadelphia, Lea and Blanchard, 539 p.
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Slightly modified from paper published on pages 1619-1644 of :

Decker, R.W., Wright, T.L., and Stauffer, P.H., (eds.), 1987, Volcanism in Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1350, 1667 p.



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