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Clean School Bus USA LogoSample Press Release


Contact: [Name] [Phone Number] [E-mail Address]


[PLACE- Release DATE]

Today [institution] will [honor Mr. John Doe; host an Open House; etc.] to celebrate making [your community]'s school buses a little greener. [Short background on person/event/project]. (For example, "Johnson County received a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to retrofit 100 diesel school buses with emission control devices. Mr. Doe, as the fleet manager for Johnson County, spearheaded the project. The County Commissioner Ms. Brenda Smith will be making the presentation at the County Council meeting.")

[Time, place of event, invitation to public.]

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is encouraging school districts and communities to reduce pollution from their school bus fleets. The Agency launched the Clean School Bus USA program in 2003, with the goal of upgrading the nation's entire school bus fleet to low emission buses by 2010. Clean School Bus USA will help ensure that school buses - which are the safest way for kids to get to school - also are the cleanest possible transportation for this generation of school children.

[Your community; your institution] has been one of the leaders in reducing emissions from diesel school buses. [Catalysts; filters;] have been installed in [X] school buses, reducing harmful pollutants by as much as [X%]. (Information on percentage of reduction can be obtained from www.epa.gov/otaq/retrofit/aqcreditcalc.htm). The children riding the buses, school personnel, and the community all benefit from the reduction of pollution.

[Quote from official]

For more information on clean school buses, go to: [web site]; www.epa.gov/cleanschoolbus

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