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Data Catalog of Unusually Sensitive Areas
Drinking Water Resources (Metadata)



The process for determining drinking water USAs is described in the discussion point paper. The drinking water USA generation process consists of first identifying environmentally sensitive drinking water resources and other primary concerns, and then applying the following five filtering criteria:

  • Filter Criteria #1
    If the public water system is a Transient Noncommunity Water System (TNCWS), the water intakes shall not be designated as USAs.
  • Filter Criteria #2
    For Community Water Systems (CWS) and Nontransient Noncommunity Water Systems (NTNCWS) that obtain their water supply primarily from surface water sources, and do not have an adequate alternative source of water, the water intakes shall be designated as USAs.
  • Filter Criteria #3
    For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water supply primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is identified as a Class I or Class IIa, as defined in Pettyjohn et al. (1991), and do not have an adequate alternative source of water, these wells shall be designated as USAs. The wellhead protection areas for such systems shall be designated as USAs.
  • Filter Criteria #4
    For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is identified as a Class IIb, IIc, III, or U, as defined in Pettyjohn et al. (1991), the public water systems that rely on these aquifers shall not be designated as USAs.
  • Filter Criteria #5
    For CWS and NTNCWS that obtain their water supply primarily from ground water sources, where the source aquifer is identified as a Class I or Class IIa (as defined in Pettyjohn et al., 1991), and the aquifer is designated as a sole source aquifer, an area twice the wellhead protection area shall be designated as a USA.

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Groundwater Wells:
The Alabama Department of Environmental Protection, Public Water Supply Branch has 1,706 records in their groundwater database. These data may have the items needed to generate USAs, but this needs to be tested. The data contain both GWs and SWIs. Two problems with the database: 1) not all records have geographic coordinates; and 2) metadata for the database is fairly cumbersome and out-dated. The accuracy for all of the GW points (not the surface water intakes) is 2 to 5 meters.
Surface Water Intakes:  
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Groundwater Branch, Hydro-geology Unit, is in the process of generating statewide digital aquifer data. They plan to have the data completed by September 1998. As of January 1998, the only data available are hardcopy water susceptibility maps ($15.00) from the Alabama Geological Survey, Publication Sales.
The Alabama Geological Survey (AGS) is in the process of generating digital geologic data. As of January 1998, the only geology data available are the hardcopy maps a scale of 1:500,000 or 1:250,000. These maps are available at a cost of $15.00 each. AGS plans to have all digital data completed by September 1998.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Alabama.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Groundwater Section, is in the process of delineating WHPAs and will be completed in June/July 1998. As of January 1998 WHPAs are available only in hardcopy format. There are a large number of maps filed in several cabinets making them somewhat inaccessible.
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Groundwater Wells:
There are currently two sources for GWs in Alaska. The USGS Water Resource Division (Anchorage) has an ASCII file containing selected components of the 733 public supply wells in the groundwater database. These data contain the necessary variables for computing USAs for 733 public supply wells, however this database is not a statewide inventory. The Department of Environmental Conservation (Anchorage) database contains 65 public water supply wells within the Alaskan Pipeline corridor. This database is only a subset of the entire statewide inventory. The rest of the wells in the database have no geographic coordinates, but they are planning on collecting GPS locations, "in the near future."
Surface Water Intakes:
The Department of Environmental Conservation (Anchorage) has a database containing the 65 public water supply wells within the Alaskan Pipeline corridor. This database is only a subset of the entire statewide inventory. The rest of the wells in the database have no geographic coordinates, but they are planning on collecting GPS locations, "in the near future." We do not currently have this data.
According to the USGS (Anchorage) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Anchorage), there are no digital databases or hardcopy maps for aquifers and the USGS believes there is not enough information to create aquifer maps. We do not currently have this data.
The USGS is currently producing a new geologic map of Alaska in digital format. The preferred scale of digitizing is 1:250,000, for intended use at 1:500,000. There are no plans to produce a single statewide coverage. At the present these data are being maintained in 1:250,000 scale quadrangle blocks. As the project proceeds, portions will be released digitally and on paper. The first release is scheduled for next summer (July 1, 1998). Expected date of completion is seven years (2005). We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 10 is the lead region for the program. However, SSAs in Alaska have not been digitized. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
Alaska does not have an approved Wellhead Protection Program. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Arizona Department of Water Resources has two GW databases for the state. The first is the entire database (the "Well Registry" or "ADWR Program 55") which contains all wells registered in the state (120,990 registered well records and 105,638 with geographic coordinates). The second database is the GW Site Inventory which is a statewide database that contains detailed well location, construction, and water level measurements for wells that have actually been located and sampled in the field by ADWR. This Arc/INFO coverage only contains four items and only 40,993 registered groundwater wells. The ADWR is in the process of geocoding the remaining 79,997 well records.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Arizona Department of Water Resources (Phoenix) maintains SWI databases (INFO) for San Pedro, Santa Cruz, and Verde Rivers. The database is complete and appears to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
The Department of Environmental Quality (Tucson) is in contract negotiations with the USGS to digitize aquifers. The data source(s) and methodology are being discussed and there is no date for completing this data layer. We do not currently have this data.
The Arizona geologic map was digitized from a source scale of 1:1,000,000 and this Arc/INFO export file can be downloaded from the Internet from the USGS Greenwood Digital Map Server Site. The data are complete and probably contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs; however, the scale is probably inappropriate. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 9 maintains the SSA database. The SSAs contained in the polygon Arc/INFO coverages are: Naco Bisbee and Tucson. Naco Bisbee was generated based on the watershed. The original map was photocopied at 8.5x11 and drawn on 7.5 USGS quad map and then digitized. No information is available for the Tucson SSA Arc/INFO coverage. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environmental Quality (Tucson) has digital data for one town (Wickenburg). They have no plans to continue this across the state due to funding. There are Arc/INFO coverages and a digital text file for the Wickenburg WHPA. DEQ also sent a guidance manual for their statewide Wellhead Protection Program. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Arkansas Department of Health, Division of Engineering (Little Rock) has GW data for approved Wellhead Protection Program sites. These data are in a text file and an associated WHPA coverage. The rest of the wells have been GPS'd, and are being generated into a statewide public water supply database. This database will include GWs as well as SWIs. The estimated date of completion is January of 1998
Surface Water Intakes:
The Arkansas Department of Health, Division of Engineering (Little Rock) has no digital databases or hardcopy maps available, but SWIs will be included in the statewide database being created for the public water supply wells. The estimated date of completion is January of 1998. We do not currently have this data.
The Water Resources Division of USGS (Little Rock) has digitized the major outcrops of the aquifer system in the western portion of Arkansas, using the state geologic map at a scale of 1:500,000. The Arc/INFO is scheduled to be available by the end of 1997. The eastern portion of the state will not be digitized. We do not currently have this data.
The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies is distributing geology data. The scale is 1:500,000 and the data appear to have all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Arkansas.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Bureau of Environmental Health Services, Arkansas Department of Health (Little Rock), is responsible for the Wellhead Protection Program. Arkansas has 366 public water supply wells (community category) identified in the Wellhead Protection Program's database out of approximately 1,000 supply wells, all of which will be identified in the near future. An Arc/INFO coverage with 366 well records appears to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The State Department of Health maintains the GW and SWI database. There are no attributes which would allow determination of depth or source aquifer.  According to the current methodology for generating drinking water USAs,
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The only data available for aquifers are Arc/INFO coverage's of delineated tertiary and alluvial groundwater basins. How useful these data will be in generating drinking water USAs remains undetermined.
The Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (Sacramento), maintains and distributes the digital geologic map of California. The geology was digitized at a scale of 1:750,000, and has not been checked for accuracy. Procedures to digitize at a 1:250,000 scale are being designed, with no estimated date of completion.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 9 maintains the SSA database. The SSAs contained in the polygon Arc/INFO coverages are: Campo, Fresno, and Santa_Marg.  The coverages are complete and appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
California does not have an approved Wellhead Protection Program. According to the Department of Water Resources, there are some communities that participate in some sort of Wellhead Protection Program. Everything is implemented at the local level.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Natural Resources; Division of Water Resources (Denver), maintains the GW database. The Arc/INFO coverages associated with this database have detailed item descriptions and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
According to the Department of Natural Resources in Denver, this information is not available.
The Department of Natural Resources; Division of Water Resources (Denver) is creating an Arc/INFO coverage containing the southern boundaries of the Designated Basins. These data are incomplete.
The geologic map was prepared by the USGS as part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geological maps. The digital map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Colorado. Consequently, the digital version is at 1:500,000 scale.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Colorado.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division, implements the Wellhead Protection Program. The hardcopy map derived from the Arc/INFO coverage contains all but two of the areas to which the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission has assigned site-specific groundwater classification standards. The copy of the Ground Water Classification regulations explains the classifications, and also contain maps of each of the specified areas. They are in the process of revising the maps and distributing them in a GIS format.

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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Center, GIS Section, has an Arc/INFO coverage for well point locations within Aquifer Protection Areas. These data are a subset of the statewide public water supply wells. A statewide coverage is not available. Metadata is available for the Aquifer Protection Area wells.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Center, GIS Section, has an Arc/INFO coverage for surface water reservoirs. These data do not represent the locations of SWIs. No data are available for the intake locations.
The Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Center, GIS Section, has an ArcView Shapefile for the "potential high yield aquifers." These data were digitized from base maps produced at 1:125,000 scale. The ArcView Shapefile is the product of a report prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
The Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resource Division, GIS Section, has an Arc/INFO coverage for the "surficial materials" of Connecticut. These data were compiled at a scale of 1:24,000. In 1992, these data were automated by the USGS. We do not currently have this data. Detailed metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 1 has an Arc/INFO coverage for SSAs in Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. These statewide data were developed by EPA Region 1 and are topologically correct and metadata is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Division, GIS Section, has an Arc/INFO coverage representing "level A aquifer protection areas" and "preliminary level B aquifer protection areas" (APA). These data were developed by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Management, Planning, and Standards, from 1:12,000 scale delineations submitted by the public and private utilities owning and operating wells. All preliminary level B APAs will be replaced and a final APA data layer will be available in a couple of years. We do not currently have this data. Detailed metadata is available.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Water Resources (DWR) is in the process of generating digital data for GWs and SWIs. All well locations have been GPS'd and are being updated and attributed. The DWR plans to have data available by the end of 1997. 
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells).
The Delaware Geological Survey and the University of Delaware are in the process of mapping lower Delaware to generate digital aquifer and geology data. These data will not be available until 1999. As of January 1998, hardcopy maps are available at 1:24,000 scale for aquifers and 1:750,000 scale for geology. Note that the Columbia Aquifer has never been mapped. We do not currently have this data.
(See Aquifers)
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Delaware.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Water Resources (DWR) is in the process of generating digital data for GWs. Once GWs are updated and attributed, WHPAs will be created using a fixed radius (distance is not yet determined). The DWR plans to have fixed radius WHPAs available by the end of 1997. We do not currently have this data.
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There are 5 Water Management Districts that generate and house digital data in different formats. To determine the potential for generating USAs each Water Management District is analyzed.

Groundwater Wells:
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Facilities, Bureau of Water Resource Protection, has a database containing GWs in Florida. There are 2 problems with the data: 1) they do not cover the entire state, and 2) the items are not fully attributed.
The South Florida Water Management District:
The GIS Department has an Arc/INFO coverage for GW locations in the district. These data have all the items needed to generate USAs. Metadata is not available.
The Northwest Florida Water Management District:
The Information Systems Bureau has an Arc/INFO coverage for GWs in the district. These data contain only the well locations with known geographic coordinates. No metadata is available for the coverage, but a text file containing item descriptions is available.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District:
The Mapping and GIS Section has an Arc/INFO coverage for GWs and SWIs locations. These data were originally collected by the USGS between 1955 and 1987. The accuracy of these data is estimated to be +/- 80 feet. General metadata is available.
The St. Johns River Water Management District:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Groundwater Program, has an Arc/INFO coverage of groundwater wells. These data were digitized from 1:24,000 USGS topographic quads. These data do not contain an item for the name of the source aquifer, but do contain the depth of the well. Positional accuracy is unverified and efforts are being made to GPS existing wells. Metadata is not available; however, brief item descriptions were provided with these data.
The Suwannee River Water Management District:
The Water Resources Department has a database containing GW locations for the district. These data will have most of the variables needed to generate USAs. There is a charge of $40.00 for the data.
Surface Water Intakes: 
The South Florida Water Management District:
The GIS Department has an Arc/INFO coverage for SWIs locations. These data have all the items needed to generate USAs. Metadata is not available.
The Northwest Florida Water Management District:
The Information Systems Bureau has an ASCII file for surface water withdrawal points. Metadata is not available, but some attribute information was provided.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The St. Johns River Water Management District:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Groundwater Program, has an Arc/INFO coverage for SWIs in the district. These data may be useful when generating USAs. Metadata is not available; however, brief item descriptions were provided with these data.
The Suwannee River Water Management District:
According to the Water Resources Department, there are no SWIs available in hardcopy or digital format.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Facilities, Bureau of Water Resource Protection, has a spatial database containing aquifers for Florida. These data may be useful when generating USAs.
The St. Johns River Water Management District:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Groundwater Program, has 9 Arc/INFO coverages for aquifer contours and depth in the state. The coverage focuses on different types of structural components of the Floridian Aquifer. Metadata is not available, however, a brief description was provided with these data.
The Florida Geological Survey (FGS) is in the process of edgematching 67 county databases to generate a statewide geology coverage. The FGS hopes to have these data available by the end of 1997. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 4, Groundwater and Drinking Water Branch, has hardcopy maps for SSAs in the region. They plan to have aquifer boundaries digitized in order to generate precise maps. These data will be Arc/INFO coverages for the entire region.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
Florida has no approved Wellhead Protection Program.

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Groundwater Wells:
The USGS has an Arc/INFO coverage for groundwater site inventory. These data do not represent a complete statewide coverage. As of December 1997, only 60 percent of the state well locations have been located. These data also have questionable attributes. The remainder of the well locations will be added to the coverage by the "end of 1997." As of January 1998, there is no plan to correct the attributes contained in these data. These data have metadata available for additional information.
Surface Water Intakes:
The USGS has an Arc/INFO coverage for SWIs. These data represent only 85-90 percent of the total SWIs for the state. These data will be useful in the generation of USAs for the locations avaialble. No metadata is available.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Geological Survey has hardcopy maps of aquifers. There is no digital data and there are no plans to create any digital data of aquifers.
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Geological Survey, has an Arc/INFO coverage of geology. These data were digitized from the 1:500,000 scale Geology Map of Georgia. Detailed metadata is available. The Geological Survey charges $55.00 for these data. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Georgia.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Georgia Geological Survey, Groundwater Unit, states that WHPAs do not exist and there are no plans to develop WHPA data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The only contact found for this information is the Government of Guam Department of Land Management. They were contacted several times via email and fax, but never replied.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
(See Groundwater Wells)
Geology: Poor
(See Groundwater Wells)
Sole Source Aquifers:
According to EPA Region 9, there is one SSA in Guam, but they do not have digital or hardcopy maps available. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
(See Groundwater Wells)
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Groundwater Wells:
The Environmental Health Administration, Environmental Planning Office (Honolulu), has generated four Arc/INFO coverages for GWs for the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island of Hawaii. The metadata for these coverages are in final review. The coverages are complete with simplified metadata and may have all of the variables that are needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Department of Health has not created an SWI database, but hopes to in the near future. No definite dates were given.
The Environmental Health Administration, Environmental Planning Office (Honolulu), has generated four Arc/INFO coverages for aquifers for the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island of Hawaii. These coverages are in final QA/QC process. The coverages are complete with simplified metadata and may have all of the variables that are needed to generate USAs.
The USGS created geology coverages for the islands of Molokai, Kauai, and Oahu from source maps with at a scale of 1:62,500. Geology coverages for the other islands in Hawaii have not been created because geology maps for them do not existent. The Arc/INFO coverages for the islands of Molokai, Kauai, and Oahu probably contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers:
According to EPA Region 9, there are two SSAs in Hawaii, but they do not have digital or hardcopy maps available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Health, Groundwater Protection Program, has three Arc/INFO coverages for WHPAs done for a pilot study for the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Molokai. The metadata for these coverages are in final review. The coverages are complete and may have all of the variables that are needed to generate USAs.
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IDAHO: does not have enough information to generate USAs.

Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality, has an Arc/INFO coverage containing the locations of drinking water wells. This coverage was completed in 1996, and has not been updated since. An updated version of the coverage is projected to be available by spring of 1998.
Surface Water Intakes:
According to the Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality, SWI data are not available
Aquifers  :
There are two aquifer Arc/INFO coverages available. These coverages are available from the Department of Water Resources FTP Library. The first coverage is statewide and contains the "General Lithologies of the Major Ground Water Flow Systems" at a 1:100,000 scale. The second coverage contains the east and west halves of the Snake Plain Aquifer. The coverages appear to contain all of the variables necessary for generating USAs. We do not currently have this data.
The USGS generated the geological coverage of Idaho as part of the Interior Columbia River Basin Project. The source scale is 1:500,000 and can be obtained from the USGS Geo Web site. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 10, Groundwater Section, maintains the aquifer database for the region. The Arc/INFO coverages contain SSAs in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Aquifers that have been designated are included as well as those that have been petitioned for designation as SSAs. County boundaries and the Columbia River system are also included. The coverages are complete and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Health and Welfare Division of Environmental Quality (Boise) implements the Wellhead Protection Program. They use a 1,000 feet buffer zone around the GW locations.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Illinois State Geological Survey maintains a state-wide database containing 211,879 wells. 127,965 of those wells have been further classified into different types of wells. There are four well types that fall into the category of public water supply wells; Non-Community Public, Semi-Private, Business and Commercial Operation. They charge 9 cents per well for the basic location and header information and another 9 cents for the Drillers Log Information. There is also a one-time $20 recovery fee for each time you place an order.  
Surface Water Intakes:
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Water Survey, has an Arc/INFO coverage for SWIs. These data represent the intake location or the reservoir dam of the intake. This database is 99 percent complete. Detailed metadata is available.
The Illinois State Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Geological Survey, has 4 Arc/INFO coverages for aquifers. Three of the four coverages are available at this time: 1) Major Bedrock Aquifers within 500-ft. of Ground Surface, 2) Major Bedrock Aquifers greater than 500-ft. below Ground Surface, and 3) Major Sand and Gravel Aquifers. The fourth coverage, Major Aquifers within 15 feet of Ground Surface, is not available. The Illinois State Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Water Survey, has an additional aquifer coverage. These data represent "Major Bedrock Aquifers" within 300-ft. of Ground Surface. Metadata is available for all coverages.
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Geological Survey, has an Arc/INFO coverage containing the distribution and extent of the bedrock geologic units. These data were digitized from the 1967 geologic map of Illinois. The map scale is 1:500,000 and metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers
No SSA data is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Illinois Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Public Water Supply, Groundwater Section, has an Arc/INFO coverage of WHPAs. The WHPAs are in two coverages: 1) Phase I - the use of a fixed radius of 1000-ft. and 2) Phase II - Software delineation. The Phase II data were created using groundwater flow and particle tracking software. No metadata is available.
Glacial Till Thickness:
The Illinois State Geological Survey has an Arc/INFO coverage of glacial deposit thicknesses for the State.  Metadata is available.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Office of Water Management, Drinking Water Compliance Section (DWCS) is in the process of generating an ORACLE database for all GWs and SWIs.  DWCS has a digital database of "high-capacity" ( > 100,000 gpd ) public supply groundwater wells and a small hardcopy database of "high-capacity" public supply surface water intakes.  These data contain limited aquifer and other information and may be appropriate for interim use.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Office of Water Management, Groundwater Section, states that an aquifer classification system has not yet been developed. Purdue University has generating a digital "hydrologic settings" map, but no contact information has been established yet.
The Indiana Geological Survey has hardcopy maps for surficial geology, bedrock geology, and glacial drifts. These hardcopy maps are at 1:500,000 scale. A 1:100,000 scale bedrock and surficial terrain map exists in digital format. Indiana Geological Survey will not release the digital data. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Office of Water Management, has a hardcopy map of the only sole source aquifer within the state. There are no plans to digitize this map. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water, Office of Water Management, Groundwater Section, is in the planning stages for the recently approved Wellhead Protection Program. 
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Groundwater Wells:
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division (Iowa City), has an Arc/INFO coverage containing GWs and SWIs. These statewide data are complete with FGDC metadata and appear to contain most of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. The online linkage for this information is . The state-wide coverage of municipal public water supply wells and intakes is located under the Environmental Geography section and the coverage name is MUNIWU. 
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau (Iowa City), has an Arc/INFO coverage that contains alluvial deposits and digitized at 1:100,000 scale. The data are complete, with metadata, and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey Bureau (Iowa City), has an Arc/INFO coverage that contains the areas where bedrock units outcrop at the land surface or subcrop into the subsurface beneath the glacial drift. The data are complete with FGDC metadata and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Iowa.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
Currently, Iowa does not have an approved Wellhead Protection Area program. The Iowa DNR Geological Survey Bureau is in the process of coordinating such a program for the state. The program will be implemented at the local level without a spatial database product. 
Glacial Till Thickness:
Iowa DNR has an Arc/INFO coverage of glacial till thicknesses within the state.  Metadata is available.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources (DWR), issues water use permits, administers water rights, regulates water usage, and maintains records of all water rights in the state. This database contains the locations of where water is diverted from the original source commonly referred to as the Point of Diversion. The Arc/INFO coverage contains all GW locations and SWIs for the public drinking water supply. The coverage is complete statewide and contains all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. Very detailed metadata is provided with this database. An updated ArcView Database, named WIMAS was downloaded from the internet. Very detailed metadata is provided, and a separate contact excel file is available and linkable through the WR_ID.
Surface Water Intakes
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Data Access and Support Center (Lawrence) maintains the aquifer Arc/INFO coverage. The coverage contains the extent of the alluvial aquifers that consist of unconsolidated Quaternary alluvium and contiguous terrace deposits. The coverage was developed from the state geologic map (1:500,000 scale) and contains all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
The Data Access and Support Center (Lawrence) distributes the Arc/INFO geology coverage. The coverage is an implementation of the 1:500,000 scale Geologic Map of Kansas. Two classes of spatial features are contained in the Arc/INFO version of the geologic map: 1) polygons depicting major geologic units and 2) lines delimiting the bases of key geologic formations within the units. This coverage is complete with metadata.
Sole Source Aquifers
There are no SSAs in Kansas.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Department of Health and Environment, Non-point Source Technical Section (Topeka) implements the Wellhead Protection Program. Hardcopy maps of the designated WHPAs are available. They use a generalized radius around Public Water Supply wells as a preliminary planning tool.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, Office of Information Services has an Arc/INFO coverage for GWs and SWIs. These data have an item that can be used to differentiate between GWs and SWIs. The data does not include an item for the name of the source aquifer. No metadata is available, but there is some information describing the contents of the items.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Kentucky Geological Survey states that aquifers in the state have not been mapped. There are data available that contain regions of groundwater sensitivity. To date there are no plans to generate aquifer data.
The Kentucky Geological Survey has an Arc/INFO coverage for geology that was digitized at 1:500,000 scale. To use these data, the state hardcopy geology map will need to be purchased from the Kentucky Geological Survey and attributes added to the coverage. We do not currently have this data. No metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Kentucky.
Wellhead Protection Areas: 
The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water, do not have any WHPAs available in either digital or hardcopy format. There are no plans to generate these data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health (New Orleans) maintains the GW and SWI database. The data contain a complete statewide coverage and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs; however, there is no data dictionary or item descriptions associated with the files.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The USGS, in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, prepared a "Guide to Louisiana's Ground-Water Resources," which classifies the 13 aquifers in the state from which groundwater is drawn.  In the early 1990's, the recharge boundaries of these aquifers were digitized.  
A digital geologic map of Louisiana is available at a scale of 1:500,000 from the USGS.  This is the digital representation of the 1984 LGS hardcopy geology map from 1984 but was digitized informally and has not been error checked.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 6 maintains the SSA database for the region. The SSAs contained in the polygon Arc/INFO coverage are: Edwards I and Edwards II (Texas), Chicot and Southern Hills (Louisiana/Mississippi), and Arbuckle-Simpson in (Oklahoma). The boundaries were digitized from source maps provided by EPA Region 6 Water Quality Protection Division.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Water Resources, Groundwater Protection Division, implements the Wellhead Protection Program for the state. Either one or two mile radius circles around each well location define the WHPAs. The Arc/INFO coverage contains complete statewide data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Maine Drinking Water Program (MDWP) is in the process of developing an Arc/INFO coverage of GWs and SWIs. These data will have a related database file containing attributes. The MDWP hopes to have all data published on CD by the end of 1997. These data will have items differentiating between GWs and SWIs. Full metadata will be provided with these data.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Maine Geological Survey, Office of GIS, has Arc/INFO coverages for sand and gravel aquifers in "organized" towns. These data were digitized from 1:50,000 scale maps. There are approximately 19 individual county coverages for aquifers. Each coverage will need to be joined to generate a statewide coverage; however, it is unclear if there are data beyond the town boundaries. Metadata is available for each coverage and these are topologically correct.
The Maine Geological Survey, Office of GIS, has Arc/INFO coverages for surficial and bedrock geology. These data are generated at the quad level. Each quad could contain several coverages per county. Each coverage will need to be joined to generate a statewide coverage. Metadata is available for each coverage and these data are topologically correct.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 1 has an Arc/INFO coverage for SSAs in Maine and Massachusetts. These statewide data are topologically correct and metadata is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
According to the Maine Office of GIS, WHPA data are not available in digital or hardcopy format.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Maryland Department of the Environment, Public Drinking Water Program, has database files containing GWs and SWIs. There are 6 related databases that contain information about each site. Differentiation between GWs and SWIs can be performed using the items in the database files. Metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
According to the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE), Public Drinking Water Program, and the MDE Source Protection Program, no digital aquifer data exists.
The Maryland Department of the Environment, Technical Assistance and Regulatory Service Administration has an Arc/INFO coverage for geologic formations of Maryland. These data were digitized from the Maryland Geological Survey's Geological Map of Maryland (1968). The coverage is topologically correct and has metadata.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 3 has hardcopy maps for SSAs, but no digital data exist.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
According to the Maryland Department of Environment, Public Drinking Water Program, neither digital or hardcopy data are available. There does not appear to be any plan to generate WHPAs for Maryland.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MassGIS, has an Arc/INFO coverage for public community water supply. These data contain both GWs and SWIs. These statewide data were developed by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Resource Protection, Division of Water Supply from GPS data supplied by the EPA. These data have the items needed to differentiate between GWs and SWIs and metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MassGIS, has Arc/INFO coverages for medium and high yield aquifers. These data were developed from 1:24,000 photograph reproductions of the USGS 1:48,000 hydrological atlas. These data have correct topology and detailed metadata is available.
The Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MassGIS, has 13 Arc/INFO coverages for surficial geology. These data were developed from 1:125,000 USGS basemaps. These data are not accurate enough to use for site specific analysis; however, these data have correct topology and detailed metadata is available for more information.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MassGIS, has an Arc/INFO coverage of SSAs for the state. These statewide data were developed by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Resource Protection, Division of Water Supply from aquifer boundaries defined by an EPA hydrologist on 1:25,000 USGS topographic quads. These data are topologically correct and metadata is available. EPA Region 1 has the same SSA Arc/INFO data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
According to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MassGIS, no WHPA data are available.
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Groundwater Wells
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality maintains the Ground water well database for the state. There are approximately 160,000 records in the database.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Drinking Water & Radiological Division, Ground Water Supply Section, has a database containing SWIs and as well as attribute information for each location.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Real Estate Division, Michigan Resource Information System, states that aquifers have not been mapped. Information from the GW database is being entered into a separate database that will be used to generate aquifer data. No time frame for completion was given.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Resource Information System (MIRIS), has Micro Station CADD files for surficial and bedrock geology for each county in Michigan. There are 83 counties in Michigan and the data is available for $50 per county.  This fee is waved for Governement projects. The data is in real world NAD27, State Plain format. 
Sole Source Aquifers
There are no SSAs in Michigan.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Drinking Water & Radiological Protection Division, Ground Water Supply Section, has delineated WHPAs and is available in Shapefile format. These data are complete for the state. No metadata is available.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Minnesota Geological Survey has a county well index database. These data are used to generate a GIS well point Arc/INFO coverage and include GWs and SWIs. The accuracy of these data are "very good to better than nothing." Approximately 10,000 wells are added to this database every year. These data represent the most complete listing of well locations in the state. Metadata is available. This database is currently being processed in house.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Minnesota Land Management Information Center has aquifer data available. These data will not be released without fees because Minnesota is a cost recovery state. Metadata have been requested but not received (as of December 1997).
The Minnesota Land Management Information Center has an Arc/INFO coverage for geology. The source for these data is the Minnesota Bedrock Geology Map at 1:1,000,000 scale. These data have related files for attributing information and metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Minnesota.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is in the process of developing WHPAs. These data will be polygons in an Arc/INFO coverage. MDH plans to have these data available by the end of November 1997. Metadata will be produced.
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 Groundwater Wells :
The Department of Environmental Quality, Mississippi Automated Resources Information System (MARIS) has 4 Arc/INFO coverages for public water supply. The Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Land and Water Resources developed two of the databases and only one of these has an item containing the name of the source aquifer. The USGS also developed two databases and both of these databases have an item containing the name of the source aquifer. All four databases are Arc/INFO point coverages. These data are current and will be useful for generating USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Land and Water Resources, has a database for SWIs locations. The geographic coordinates appear to be well attributed (consistent and complete). Metadata is not available.
The Mississippi Geological Survey plans to generate digital data from outcrop areas taken from the geologic map. As of January 1998, data are not available in digital or hardcopy format. No time frame was given for the completion of these data.
The Department of Environmental Quality, Mississippi Automated Resources Information System, has an Arc/INFO coverage for surficial geology. These data were developed by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Geology, and digitized by the Center for Spatial Data Research and Applications at Jackson State University. These data are topologically correct and will be useful for generating USAs. Metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 4, Groundwater and Drinking Water Branch, has hardcopy maps for SSAs in the region. They plan to have aquifer boundaries digitized in order to generate precise maps. These data will be Arc/INFO coverages for the entire region and no release date has been given.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environmental Quality, Mississippi Automated Resources Information System, has an Arc/INFO coverage for WHPAs. These data were developed by the Department of Environmental Quality, Office of Pollution Control (OPC). The data available from OPC contain a small number of the WHPAs in the state. OPC plans to begin delineations of the remainder of the state within the next two years. Generalized metadata is available for the data provided.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (Jefferson City) maintains the GW database. The Arc/INFO coverage contains the locations of water withdrawal sites from groundwater sources. The data are complete, have metadata, and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. The ARC/INFO coverages are available to download from CARES at the University of Missouri Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems.  The coverages available for downloading are updated continuously.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (Jefferson City) maintains the SWI database. The Arc/INFO coverage contains the locations of water withdrawal sites from groundwater sources. The data are complete, have metadata, and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. The ARC/INFO coverages are available to download from CARES at the University of Missouri Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems. CARES.
The aquifer Arc/INFO coverage of Missouri is distributed by the USGS, Water Resources Division (Rolla). The coverage was created from the 1:500,000 scale Geologic Map of Missouri. Surficial geologic units were aggregated to form the various aquifer and confining units. For information on the coverage see the USGS Hydrologic Investigations Atlas (Imes), HA-711-A. The data are complete and metadata is available.
The geology coverage of Missouri is distributed through the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service. The geology layer was digitized from the 1:500,000 scale Geologic Map of Missouri, published in 1979, and distributed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mines and Geology and Land Survey. The Arc/INFO coverage is complete and metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers
There are no SSAs in Missouri.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (Jefferson City) oversees the Wellhead Protection Program. They use a .5 mile radius around their wellheads statewide.
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Groundwater Wells:
There are potentially two databases available for GWs. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Department of Environmental Quality (Helena) are in a cooperative effort to update and cross match their public water supply databases. According to the Montana Bureau of Mines, the database only approximates the real number and locations of public water supply wells, and other well information may be incorrect. An updated version of the database is available from the Montana Bureau of Mines for $50. The effort to GPS all wells will take approximately 1 year (from August 1999).
Surface Water Intakes:
There are potentially two databases available for Surface Water Intakes for the State of Montana. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Department of Environmental Quality (Helena) are in a cooperative effort to update and cross match their public water supply databases. According to the Montana Bureau of Mines, the database only approximates the real number and locations of public water supply wells, and other well information may be incorrect. An updated version of the database is available from the Montana Bureau of Mines for $50. The effort to GPS all wells will take approximately 1 year (from August 1999).
The Montana State Library Natural Resource Information System has generated surficial and very general bedrock aquifer coverages. These data are not yet available for distribution and no release date is known.
The digital geology map of Montana was created by the USGS as part of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. Digitizing the published paper geologic map at 1:500,000 scale created the coverage. The data contain complete and statewide coverage and appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers
EPA Region 8 is responsible for the SSA Program, but there is no digital data available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Planning, Prevention, and Assistance Division implements the Wellhead Protection Program. The WAPA 2.0 model is used to delineate the protection areas around the wells. There are currently 65 active communities, two with certified programs. All data are on hardcopy maps and the locations are not accurate according to DEQ. There are plans to generate a WHPA Arc/INFO coverage, but no definite plans have been stated.
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Groundwater Wells:
The registered groundwater wells database was created by the Nebraska Department of Water Resources to differentiate the types of water use at each registered well site. The data is available to download in ARC/INFO export format from  The coverages contain items such as pump depth, total pump depth, type of well, and partial contact information.
Surface Water Intakes
The only available data for SWIs are hardcopy lists maintained by the Department of Water Resources (Lincoln).
The Conservation & Survey Division, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, created an Arc/INFO coverage containing the thickness of the principal aquifers in Nebraska, digitized from paper maps published at 1:250,000 scale. Contour lines identify aquifer thickness and estimated thickness of the saturated sediments that are the sources for aquifers of domestic and irrigation wells. The boundaries between primary and secondary aquifers were never automated as a statewide GIS Coverage. The USGS WRD has completed the 'High Plains' aquifer. This data is available to download from the Statewide Digital Data Bases for GIS/Mapping Available from CSD and CALMIT .
The Conservation & Survey Division, University of Nebraska - Lincoln (CSD), created an Arc/INFO coverage containing the digitized version of the bedrock geology of Nebraska. The primary source was a 1:250,000 series of geologic bedrock maps for eastern and southern Nebraska. The remainder of the state has been published at 1:1,000,000 in 1986, but current mapping is being done on the surface geology, rather than bedrock geology. CSD geologists perform updates on a county by county basis. This data is available to download from the Statewide Digital Data Bases for GIS/Mapping Available from CSD and CALMIT .
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Nebraska.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Department of Environmental Control (Lincoln) has a manual for the Nebraska Wellhead Protection Program.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Division of Environmental Quality, Bureau of Water Quality Planning has Arc/INFO coverages available for those wells in the Public Water System, which have undergone vulnerability assessments. This accounts for approximately 33 percent of all public water supply wells. It has been estimated that the point locations will be complete in two to three years (2000 or 2001). The existing coverages appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
No SWIs locations are available for Nevada. The contact for this information is the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Planning, (Carson City).
According to the USGS, Water Resources Division, and the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Planning (Carson City) no aquifer data are available.
A digital version of the geologic map of Nevada is available, by county, on CD-ROM and is distributed by the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (Reno). The fee is $65 dollars per county. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Poor
The EPA Region 9 is responsible for the SSA Program, but there are no digital data available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Planning (Carson City) created a polygon coverage of 3000-foot buffer zones around the wells contained in the Public Water System database. This accounts for approximately 33 percent of all public water supply wells in Nevada. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Division of Water Resources, Water Management Bureau, has an Arc/INFO coverage for both GWs and SWIs. An item exists that differentiates between GWs and SWIs. Metadata is available that thoroughly describes all items and attributes for the coverage. The only apparent problem with these data is that the name of the source aquifer does not exist.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Department of Environmental Services, Water Resources Division, is in the process of generating Arc/INFO coverages for aquifers within stratified sand and gravel deposits. The state is divided into 13 areas and as of December 1997 only 4 of the 13 areas are in digital format. The source scales for these data are 1:24,000 and 1:25,000. Metadata is available for the completed databases. It has been estimated to take several years to complete these data. We do not currently have this data.
The USGS in Reston, Virginia has an Arc/INFO coverage for the geology of New Hampshire. The State Geologist Office at the University of New Hampshire developed these data. The coverage has item attribute information and is topologically correct.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in New Hampshire.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Division of Water Resources, has an Arc/INFO coverage for WHPAs. These data are incomplete and development is ongoing. The source scales for these data are 1:24,000 and 1:25,000. WHPAs are generated using a fixed radius. The plans is to have all WHPAs completed by the end of 1999.
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Groundwater Wells:
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, has an Arc/INFO coverage containing 1,945 public community water supply wells. The accuracy of these data is approximately 40-50 feet. This coverage contains approximately 85 percent of the total number of wells in the state. Information is available for the well locations that have been accurately located using GPS. Plans are to have 100 percent of the well locations available by November 1997.  Metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
According to the Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, there is no SWI information.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, has an Arc/INFO coverage containing hydrological properties of geology and hydrologic units. The aquifer data are in the preliminary stages of development and they plan to have aquifer Arc/INFO coverages available by the end of 1997. We do not currently have this data. Metadata is available.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, plans to have a geology Arc/INFO coverage available by the end of 1997. The data will be a condensed version of the aquifer data and will be developed from the hydrologic parameter data. We do not currently have this data. Metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy, Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, has Arc/INFO coverages for the SSAs. All data are topologically correct and no metadata is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy (DEP), Division of Science and Research, New Jersey Geological Survey, Bureau of Groundwater Resource Evaluation is in the process of generating WHPAs. Although there is an approved federal program, the state of New Jersey has not passed legislation for establishing a state Wellhead Protection Program. As of January 1998, only a few counties have delineated WHPAs. DEP plans to have all WHPAs delineated by the end of 1999.
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 Groundwater Wells 
The primary source for GWs for New Mexico is the USGS. The database is constantly being revised in areas of active investigation, has been compiled over several decades, and has focused on the specific objectives of many different projects. Some of the data are very recent others are very old. There is also an Arc/INFO coverage that contains a subset of the total database, which was never intended to be a comprehensive inventory of public-supply wells and should not be used for analyses. The second source for GWs in New Mexico is the Environmental Department, Drinking Water Bureau (Santa Fe). This database includes all of the public water supply locations (GWs and SWIs) and QA/QC has been completed for about 90-95 percent of the locations. The coverages do not have aquifer name or well depth. The accuracy of well locations is questionable according to the source.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Environmental Department, Drinking Water Bureau (Santa Fe), has Arc/INFO coverages. These data are not available, but they have quality checked approximately 90-95 percent of the SWIs.
The New Mexico Water Resources Research and Institute has created an Arc/INFO coverage containing aquifer material based on Geology of Dona Ana County. The data are complete, have minimal metadata, and appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. However, these data are only for one county. There is also a publication from the USGS describing the characteristics of new Mexico's water supply.
The USGS digitized the state geological map at 1:500,000 scale using the Lambert Conformal Conic Map projection parameters of the State base maps. The data are complete statewide and contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. 
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in New Mexico.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Environmental Department, Drinking Water Bureau (Santa Fe) implements the Wellhead Protection Program. They use a 1,000-ft buffer around the wellheads.
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Groundwater Wells:  
The New York State Department of Health, Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Public Water Supply and Protection (BPWSP) has a database with GWs and SWIs. These data are complete statewide, the accuracy is 25-100 meters, and the data provided do not include aquifer name or depth. BPWSP is in the process of generating a new database with sub-meter accuracy using GPS. The new database will have more items, but the addition of an item for aquifer name has not been decided. BPWSP plans to have the data available by the end of 1997.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Water, Ground Water Section (GWS), has an Arc/INFO coverage for primary, heavy-use, aquifers. Of the 18 aquifers in the state, the heavy-use aquifers (an unknown number) are the only aquifers contained in the coverage. The source scale was 1:24,000 and metadata is available. There was no indication if the remaining aquifers will be completed.
The New York State Geological Survey has 10 Arc/INFO coverages for bedrock geology and 10 Arc/INFO coverages for surficial geology. The source scale is 1:250,000. Each coverage, for both bedrock and surficial geology, was developed in the same format; therefore the variables are comparable. Metadata is available for attribute information.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Watershed Management has an Arc/INFO coverage representing SSAs in upstate New York. The coverage does not include Long Island, which is designated as a SSA by the EPA. The source scale is 1:24,000 and metadata is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The New York State Department of Public Health wants to delineate WHPAs but funding is not available. As of January 1998, WHPAs are generated on an as needed basis using a fixed radius of 250 feet. The existing WHPAs are available in hardcopy format only.
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Groundwater Wells:
The North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, has an ASCII file containing GWs and SWIs. These data contain items that allow differentiation between GWs and SWIs. The data are updated quarterly and the accuracy is not guaranteed.  Metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, has an Atlas GIS database containing arcs for aquifer limits in North Carolina. These data do contain all the aquifer designations. These data do not have topology or any items for attributing. No metadata is available for these files.
The North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis has an Arc/INFO coverage for geology. These data were developed by The North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources; Division of Land Resources, NC Geological Survey. These data were digitized from 1:250,000 scale base maps and have been checked and determined to have good accuracy. North Carolina is a cost recovery state; therefore, these data will cost approximately $55.00. We do not currently have this data. Detailed metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in North Carolina.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, does not have any digital data available. They plan to have digital data available by the end of 1999. The state has an approved program, but there are two areas within the state that are still awaiting the approval of the state to proceed.
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Groundwater Wells:
The GW and SWI database for North Dakota is located at the Health Department, Division of Municipal Facilities (Bismarck). They are in the process of collecting geographic coordinates for the well locations and are approximately 50 percent complete. No estimated date of completion is given.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The North Dakota State Water Commission (SWC) distributes MapInfo coverages of "Glacial Drift Aquifers" for four counties (Eddy, Mountrail, Foster, and Barnes). The coverages were created from physical data from the 1960's and 1970's, and the scale is 1:126,720. The SWC is in the process of creating coverages for the rest of the state; however with little funding the process is slow and there is no date for completion. The existing coverages have simplified metadata and appear to have the necessary variables that are needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
The North Dakota Geological Survey (Bismarck) has an Arc/INFO coverage of geology created from a source map with a scale of 1:500,000. The data are complete; including simplified metadata, and appear to contain the necessary variables that are needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in North Dakota.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Health Department (Bismarck) implements the Wellhead Program and uses the WAPA 2.0 model to delineate the protection areas around the wells. They are currently in the process of generating Arc/INFO coverages for the WHPAs, and the estimated date of completion is the beginning of 1998. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water, Groundwater Section, has a statewide Arc/INFO coverage containing GWs and SWIs. These data contain an item that differentiates between GWs and SWI, and well depth;  however a large majority of the records are missing descriptive and aquifer information. The source of the data describes the data as being only 80-90% accurate.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Real Estate and Land Management, is in the process of generating an aquifer database using the GW point locations provided by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water, Groundwater Section. There are unofficial aquifer coverages available. They are doing a final QA/QC in the first quarter of 2000.
The Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Geological Survey, Petroleum Geology (OGS -PG), has a data layer representing bedrock geology for the entire state. The OGS-PG is generating new statewide data for bedrock and surficial/glacial geology. We do not currently have this data. They also plan to have an Arc/INFO coverage containing bedrock geology, with attributes and a surficial/glacial geology coverage, with attributes and metadata.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Drinking and Ground Water, has Arc/INFO coverages for SSAs within the state. This coverage excludes 1 SSA that is very small. The small SSA is not available in digital or hardcopy format, however the existing data may be useful in the generation of USAs.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Drinking and Ground Water has an Arc/INFO coverage for WHPAs statewide. These data contain an item for public water supply name. These data are topologically correct and metadata is not available.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division (Oklahoma City) maintains a GW and SWI database. The database contains a complete statewide inventory but only approximately 1600 have been GPSd with a 2-5 m accuracy. The other locations are questionable. 
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The USGS, Water Resource Division (Oklahoma City), has generated coverages for the 12 aquifers in Oklahoma. There are separate coverages for each aquifer with detailed accompanying metadata.
The USGS has digital data and accompanying documentation for surficial geology. Reports for the counties in the Oklahoma panhandle are based on the 1:125,000 scale Hydrologic Information Atlases published by the USGS in the late 1960's and early 1970's. The reports for the rest of Oklahoma are based on 1:250,000 scale Hydrologic Atlases also published by USGS in the 1970's. The reports and digital data are complete and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 6 maintains the SSA database. The SSAs contained in the polygon Arc/INFO coverage are: Edwards I and Edwards II (Texas), Chicot and Southern Hills (Louisiana/Mississippi, and Arbuckle-Simpson (Oklahoma). The boundaries were digitized from source maps provided by EPA Region 6 Water Quality Protection Division.
Wellhead Protection Areas
The Department of Environmental Quality (Oklahoma City) implements the Wellhead Protection Program and has no digital data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division (Portland), maintains the GW and SWI database for the state. The data are complete with simplified metadata and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The State Service Center (Salem) distributes an Arc/INFO aquifer coverage. The data are approximately 16 years old, but there are plans to generate a new shallow aquifer coverage. The data appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs; however, there is no data dictionary, or item descriptions, associated with the file.
The digital geology map of Oregon was created by the USGS. The coverage was digitized from the published state geologic map (Walker and MacLeod, 1991) at a scale of 1:500,000. The data contain complete and statewide coverage and appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 10, Groundwater Section, maintains the aquifer database. The Arc/INFO coverage contains SSAs in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Aquifers that have been designated as SSAs are included as well as those that have been petitioned for designation. County boundaries and the Columbia river system are also included. The coverages are complete and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Oregon Wellhead Protection Program is a voluntary program designed to protect the groundwater resources that supply public water systems. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon Division of Health will provide technical assistance to communities as they develop their wellhead protection plans. It is recommended that an area large enough to encompass ten years of groundwater travel time be defined. As of yet there are no digital versions available of any WHPAs.
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Groundwater Wells:
There are three databases for GWs in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Resources Research Institute has an Arc/INFO coverage (1:24,000 scale) for public water supply intakes supplied by the PA Department of Environmental Resource Bureau of Community Environmental Control. The Pennsylvania Geological Survey has 4 databases that represent groundwater supplies. These databases have some geographic coordinates, but they are not all completed. The USGS Water Resources Division has a groundwater site inventory which may be a duplicate of the 4 databases supplied by the PA Geological Survey. Metadata or item descriptions are available for each database.
Surface Water Intakes:
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Resources Research Institute has an Arc/INFO coverage for SWIs. These data were developed from intake locations supplied by the Pennsylvania Department of Protection, Environmental Resource Research Institute, Bureau of Community and Environmental Control. Metadata is available.
According to the Pennsylvania Geological Survey and the USGS Water Quality Division, there is no hardcopy or digital data available for aquifers in Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Environmental Resources Research Institute, has an Arc/INFO coverage for surficial geology. These data were digitized from the 1980, 1:250,000-scale geology map of Pennsylvania by the USGS. 
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 3 has hardcopy maps for SSAs, but there is no plan to digitize them.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) states that there is no statewide data available for WHPAs. The WHPAs are generated on an as needed basis using a fixed radius of 0.5 mile around the well location in the Public Water Supply coverage. 
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As of January 1998, there are no databases or hardcopy maps available for Puerto Rico's drinking water resources. Several attempts have been made to contact representatives from Puerto Rico including the EPA Region 2, Director of Government of Puerto Rico (Atlanta), Economic Development Administration (Atlanta), Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board (Puerto Rico), Island Resources Foundation (Virgin Islands), and the Department of Natural Resources (Puerto Rico).

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Groundwater Wells:
The Rhode Island Department of Administration, Division of Planning, GIS Section, has Arc/INFO coverages for GWs. These data represent GW point locations for the entire state and were developed by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Groundwater Division, from USGS topographic quads at 1:24,000 scale. The well location accuracy is +/- 50 feet. Metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
According to the Rhode Island Department of Administration, Division of Planning, GIS Section, no SWIs databases exist. However, an Arc/INFO coverage exists containing the reservoirs where surface water intakes can be found. The actual point location for each intake is not available.
 Aquifers :
The Rhode Island Department of Administration, Division of Planning, GIS Section, has Arc/INFO coverages for aquifers. These data represent groundwater aquifer reservoirs and aquifer recharges. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Water Resource Division, developed both databases. These data are topologically correct and metadata is available for both databases. The aquifer recharge/wellhead protection coverage also includes WHPAs for Rhode Island.
The Rhode Island Department of Administration, Division of Planning, GIS Section, has Arc/INFO coverages for surficial and bedrock geology. The surficial geology coverage includes outwash, till deposits, and most of the bedrock outcrop areas. The bedrock geology contains statewide data. These data, surficial and bedrock geology, were digitized from paper maps, are topologically correct, and metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The Rhode Island Department of Administration, Division of Planning, GIS Section, has Arc/INFO coverages for SSAs. These data represent aquifers designated as SSAs by the EPA. These data were developed from 1:24,000 scale USGS topographic quads. The Rhode Island Water Resources Board supplied source maps at 1:100,000 scale. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Water Supply Management, developed these data and metadata is available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
(See Aquifers)
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Groundwater Wells:
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is in the process of updating GW locations. When these data are completed, DHEC will make them available for review. No completion date is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has an Arc/INFO coverage for permanent and emergency SWIs. These data were developed from 1:24,000 USGS topographic quads. The accuracy of these point locations range from 7 to 14 meters. Metadata is available.
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) and the local office for the USGS (Columbia) states that no aquifer data are available. SC DNR hopes that digital aquifer data will be available in the next 2-3 years.
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has an Arc/INFO coverage of geology. These data were digitized on-screen from an Arc/INFO Grid. An ArcView EPS file was the original data source. Metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in South Carolina.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control has an Arc/INFO coverage for WHPAs in Darlington and Laurens counties. Metadata is available, however there is no specified date for when the statewide data will be completed.
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Groundwater Wells:
The South Dakota Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, Drinking Water Program, maintains the GW and SWI database. The coverage contains a complete statewide inventory and all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The East Dakota Water Development District maintains a hydro-geologic database that contains detailed mapping of shallow aquifer boundaries. However, the only aquifer boundaries available are for five counties in the Big Sioux River watershed (Codington, Hamlin, Deuel, Brookings and Moody). Each county in South Dakota is in the process of generating shallow aquifer coverages at a scale of 1:100,000. This project is just beginning and is estimated to take a long time. It is unknown who will house and distribute the data once they are completed. We do not currently have this data.
According to the USGS, the State Geological Survey, and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, there are no digital geology data. The USGS states that some portions of the state are being digitized at 1:100,000 scale and are scheduled to be completed sometime in 1998. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in South Dakota.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
South Dakota's EPA Approved Wellhead Protection Program allows for the use of alternative WHPA delineation methods. The East Dakota Water Development District maintains a hydro-geologic database that enables accurate delineation of WHPAs and detailed mapping of shallow aquifer boundaries. They also publish a series of pamphlets providing a brief overview of federal and state groundwater protection strategies, a description of South Dakota's Wellhead Protection Program, and guides to the different delineation methods. We do not currently have this data.
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 Groundwater Wells :
The Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Drinking Water, Groundwater Management Section has a database of GWs and SWIs. There is no variable in the database that will differentiate between groundwater and surface water. Metadata is not available. The USGS regional office (Nashville) has an Arc/INFO coverage for GWs and SWIs. The source scales and the accuracy of these data are unknown. Metadata is not available. It is possible that these two databases can be analyzed to provide the information necessary for producing USAs.
 Surface Water Intakes :
(See Groundwater Wells)
 Aquifers :
The Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Drinking Water, Groundwater Management Section has an Arc/INFO coverage of aquifers. The USGS regional office (Nashville) has an Arc/INFO coverage for aquifers. It is possible that these two databases can be analyzed to provide the information necessary for producing USAs. These data are topologically correct and metadata is available.
The Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has hardcopy maps of bedrock geology. Accompanying the maps are reference documents describing the geologic data. The USGS regional office (Nashville) is working on surficial geology and plans to publish a CD containing Arc/INFO coverages for surficial geology with full metadata by the end of 1997.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Tennessee.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Water, Groundwater Management Section, generates WHPAs on an as needed basis. No data, digital or hardcopy, for WHPAs are maintained by the state agency. EPA Region 4 has a few WHPAs in hardcopy format. EPA Region 4 has plans to generate WHPAs for the entire region.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission maintains and distributes the digital data for GWs and SWIs. The database containing the public water supply wells is monitored for the Vulnerability Assessment Program. The data represent complete statewide locations of public water supply wells, and contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Texas Natural Resource Information Service distributes the aquifer Arc/INFO coverages. The major and minor aquifers were digitized from 1:250,000 scale geologic maps. The coverages contain complete statewide data and the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
There are no geology data for Texas.
Sole Source Aquifers:
The EPA Region 6 maintains the SSA database. The SSAs contained in the polygon Arc/INFO coverage are: Edwards I and Edwards II (Texas), Chicot and Southern Hills (Louisiana/Mississippi), and Arbuckle-Simpson (Oklahoma). The boundaries were digitized from source maps provided by the EPA Region 6 Water Quality Protection Division.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission maintains and distributes the digital data for the WHPAs. The database containing the public water supply wells is monitored for the Vulnerability Assessment Program. The data contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Automated Geographic Reference Center created a GWs and SWIs Arc/INFO coverage at request of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. There have been several revisions of the data since it's original version. The data are statewide and appear to contain most of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:  
(See Groundwater Wells)
The only data available are 10-12 hardcopy maps of primary and secondary recharge areas, from USGS. These data are not readily accessible. We do not currently have this data.
The geologic map of Utah is available to download from the Internet as an Arc/INFO export file from the Greenwood digital map server at the USGS site. Utah State University digitized the coverage from a source scale of 1:500,000. The data are complete with simplified metadata. The data appear to contain the necessary variables need to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Utah.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The agency responsible for implementing the Wellhead Protection Program is the Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Drinking Water located in Salt Lake City. They do not have any digital maps of the wellhead protection areas.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Vermont Center for Geographic Information has an Arc/INFO coverage for GWs and SWIs for the entire state. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Water Resources Division developed these data from 1:24,000 and 1:25,000 scale maps. Descriptive items are available that will differentiate between GWs and SWIs. Detailed metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Water Supply Division, Environmental Board, and the state office for the USGS, Water Resources Division state that aquifer data has not been mapped.
The Vermont Center for Geographic Information has an Arc/INFO coverage for surficial aggregate geology. These data will be of dubious usefulness in generating USA's.  The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources developed these data using various data sources and scales. Metadata is available.  ANR is in the process of digitizing a true surficial geology coverage but the completion date is unknown. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
There are no SSAs in Vermont.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Vermont Center for Geographic Information has Arc/INFO coverages for WHPAs and surface water protection areas. Both coverages were developed by Vermont Agency of Natural Resource, Water Supply Division, from source scales of 1:24,000 and 1:25,000. Metadata is available for both coverages and are topologically correct.
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Attempts to contact representatives from the Virgin Islands have been made by email and through EPA Region 2. There have not been any replies.

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Groundwater Wells:
The Virginia State Department of Health has GW and SWI information. The Department of Health does not have time available to generate the data needed.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has a hardcopy map of watershed vulnerability in the state. There are no digital data available. DEQ has no plans to develop digital data.
The Virginia Division of Mineral Resources (DMR) is in the process of generating an Arc/INFO coverage of geology. These data are being digitized from the 1963 state geology map. DMR plans to have the data available by end of 1997. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 3 has hardcopy maps for SSAs within the region.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The state of Virginia does not have an approved Wellhead Protection Program.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Washington State Department of Transportation created an Arc/INFO coverage with two categories of travel time zones (6-month and 1-year) for all WHPAs and GWs. As of September 1997, this is the only coverage available for groundwater wells. The coverage contains all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs.
Surface Water Intakes:
According to the Washington State Department of Health, most water systems use groundwater as their source of supply. However, 171 public water systems, serving 2.6 million people, use surface water sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams. At this point there are no data available for SWIs.
The Washington State Department of Transportation created Arc/INFO coverages of Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas for eight counties (Washington, Franklin, Clark, Clallam, Whatcom, Thurston, Spokane, Pend Oreille, and Island). The methods used to delineate the Critical Recharge Areas varies from county to county. The coverages contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs, however the data are not complete statewide. We do not currently have this data.
The digital geology map of Washington was created by the USGS as part of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. The coverage was created by digitizing the published paper geologic map (Hunting and others, 1961) at a scale of 1:500,000. The data are complete, statewide, and appear to contain all of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 10, Groundwater Section, maintains the aquifer database. The Arc/INFO coverage contains SSAs in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Aquifers that have been designated are shown along with those that have been petitioned for designation. County outlines and the Columbia river system are also included. The databases are complete and appear to contain the necessary variables needed to generate USAs. We do not currently have this data.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
(See Groundwater Wells)
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Technical Applications and GIS Unit has an Arc/INFO coverage for public water supply wells. These data contain both GWs and SWIs. The database contains an item that allows differentiation between GW and SWI. There is an aquifer item in the database, but the item is not complete for each well. Metadata is available.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Water Resources, has 11 hardcopy hydrologic maps for West Virginia. These maps can be obtained at a cost of $15.00 each. The Department of Environmental Protection does not have any digital data for aquifers within the state.
The Department of Environmental Protection, Technical Applications and GIS Unit has an Arc/INFO coverage of surficial geology. This coverage is not complete statewide. The data are topologically correct and metadata is available.
Sole Source Aquifers:
EPA Region 3 has hardcopy maps for SSAs for the region. No digital SSA data are available.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Environmental Protection, Technical Applications and GIS Unit has an Arc/INFO coverage for WHPAs. Delineated WHPAs are not available, therefore the state uses a 2000-foot buffer radius around the public water supply wells. There are plans to delineate WHPAs in the near future. Metadata is available for additional information.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater, Groundwater Section, is in the process of generating digital for GWs and SWIs. These data are available for only a few counties at this time. Plans are to have the data complete in 1998. A fee is charged for obtaining these data.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey states that no aquifer data are published. There wasn't any indication of when or if the aquifer data was going to be developed.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has Arc/INFO coverages for surficial and bedrock geology. These data have associated metadata and there is a fee for obtaining these data. We do not currently have this data.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Wisconsin.
Wellhead Protection Areas:
The Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater, Groundwater Section, has approximately 50 approved Wellhead Protection Plans from communities across the state. These plans are large hardcopy documents that can be viewed only in the office. The Wisconsin Wellhead Protection Program is voluntary and there are plans to create digital files in the future. We do not currently have this data.
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Groundwater Wells:
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division, maintains the GWs and SWIs for the state. Two INFO tables are available; one contains the Public Water Supply Systems and the second contains the Public Water Supply Sources. These data contain most of the necessary variables needed to generate USAs except for aquifer name or depth of well. Some records are missing geographic coordinates.
Surface Water Intakes:
(See Groundwater Wells)
Aquifers: Poor
The Wyoming State Geological Survey is in the process of creating an Arc/INFO coverage of aquifers based on groundwater vulnerability using the EPA Drastic Model. This effort is being done with the cooperation and effort of the Wyoming Water Resource Center at the University of Wyoming. They are focusing on assessing the vulnerability of aquifers to contamination from agricultural chemical applications and shallow injection facilities. The coverage will include a layer of depth to groundwater. According to the state agencies and the Wyoming Water Resource Center, this is the only aquifer study where spatial data are being generated. No study completion date has been released. We do not currently have this data.
The digital geology map of Wyoming was created by the USGS as part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geologic maps. The geologic map was digitized from the original scribe sheets used to prepare the published Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen, 1985). The digital version is at 1:500,000 scale using the same map projection parameters (Lambert Conformal Conic) that are used for the state base map.
Sole Source Aquifers: Not Applicable
There are no SSAs in Wyoming.
Wellhead Protection Areas: Poor
Wyoming does not have an approved Wellhead Protection Program.
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