U.S. Census Bureau
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1910 Census

Under the provisions of the census act of July 2, 1909, the thirteenth census was administered. In accordance with the provisions of the act, general population and Indian population schedules were prepared. The schedules used for Hawaii and Puerto Rico, although similar to the general population schedule, differed slightly from those used within the United States.

Census enumerators began canvassing the Nation on April 15, 1910.1 The law gave census takers 2 weeks to complete their work in cities of 5,000 inhabitants or more, while enumerators in smaller and rural areas were allotted 30 days to complete their task.

1 The change of “census day” from June1 to April 15 was made up on the suggestion of the Census Bureau. It was believed that the April 15 date would be more desirable, since a large number of people are away from their homes in June.

1910 Census of Population Online Download
Volume 1: Population: General Report and Analysis, 1372 pp. (color plates), PDF *
268.7 MB
Volume 2: Population: Reports by States Alabama-Montana, 1164 pp. (color plates), 1915 ed. PDF *
319.7 MB

Volume 3: Population: Reports by States Nebraska-Wyoming, 1228 pp. (color plates), 1913 ed.

222.0 MB

Volume 4: Population: Occupation Statistics, 616 pp.

113.0 MB

Volume 5: Agriculture: General Report and Analysis, approx. 1050 pp. (color plates), 1915 reprint.

204.2 MB
Volume 6: Agriculture: Reports by States Alabama-Montana, 978 pp, 1913 reprint. PDF *
188.6 MB
Volume 7: Agriculture: Reports by States Nebraska-Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, 1014 pp. PDF *
194.5 MB
Volume 8: Manufactures: General Report and Analysis, 848 pp. PDF *
158.4 MB
Volume 9: Manufactures Part II: Reports by States, 1404 pp. PDF *
262.8 MB
Volume 10: Manufactures Part III: Reports for Principal Industries, 980 pp. PDF *
145.0 MB
Volume 11: Mines and Quarries: General Report and Analysis, 370 pp. PDF *
81.2 MB
Statistical Atlas of the United States, xii + 99 pp. (503 plates, including color maps) PDF *
123.0 MB
Indian Population in the United States and Alaska, 1910, 285 pp. (with large color foldout map) PDF *
48.9 MB
Abstract of Census. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1913, 569 pp. Documents --
Index to occupations. Population division. Alphabetical and classified. 1910. 256p. PDF *
37.0 MB
Bulletins Documents --
Census of Manufactures 1909, Classification by Industries 29 pg. N/A N/A
Statistics of Thirteenth Census printing … [1915] 22p. N/A N/A

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau