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US flagJWC logoMexican flag JWC U.S./Mexico Border Transportation Planning U.S./Canada Border Transportation Planningarrow


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This section of the website is designed to provide a number of resources to aid those who are interested in border planning issues. Here you will find studies and reports published by the JWC, spatial and tabular data, as well as related maps and articles.

  • Studies and Reports
    Here you will find and read studies and reports the JWC has released.
  • Data
    On the Data page, you will be able to download GIS coverages (.e00 and .shp formats), a database of planned and programmed border transportation projects (.mdb format), and spreadsheets (.xls format) describing port of entry case study surveys and transborder freight weights.
  • Maps
    Several maps are available for viewing on the Maps page. Included are maps of Border Region Zones, Binational Trade Corridors, as well as maps of railroads, major ports, and airport locations.

To provide feedback, suggestions, or comments for this page contact Sylvia Grijalva at

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