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Planned and Programmed Border Transportation Projects, (.mdb format)
As a part of the Binational Planning and Programming Study Task 6, a database of the planned and programmed border transportation projects in the United States was developed. The data was originally collected from the study participants in 1996 and updated in early 1997.

Port of Entry Case Study Surveys, (.xls format)
As a part of Binational Planning and Programming Study Task 9, field surveys were conducted at five of the six case study locations. This link provides access to the data collected during these surveys that were conducted during the period of January through August 1997.

Estimates of 1995 Transborder Freight Weights, (.xls format)
As a part of Binational Planning and Programming Study Task 10, this appendix provides support calculations of import and export freight weights crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in 1995. The results of these estimates are described in the Task 10 report. The appendix is two Excel spreadsheets that contain the estimated totals.

Inventory of Existing Transportation Facilities for Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Note: In order to view these data, you must have the appropriate GIS software. Click the following links to access additional information on some examples of compatible software: ESRI's ArcGIS, Caliper's Maptitude.

To provide feedback, suggestions, or comments for this page contact Sylvia Grijalva at

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