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Federal Highway Administration


Subject: Guidance on Transfer Provisions Contained in the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997 Date: Dec. 3, 1997
From: Director, Office of Budget and Finance Replay to Attn of: HFS-1
To: Associate Administrators
Regional Administrators
Division Administrators

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997 (STEA) retains the transfer provisions of ISTEA and 23 U.S.C., as detailed in our memorandum, "Guidance on Transfer Provisions contained in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Act of 1991 (ISTEA)" dated June 26, 1992 (copy attached). In addition to these transfers, STEA authorizes other transfer opportunities that are more flexible than those of ISTEA, but are temporary in nature.

The key provisions of STEA with regard to transfers are:

Since funds transferred under the provisions of STEA may have to be restored to the program category of origin, requests for transfer under STEA must be submitted separately from requests under ISTEA. ISTEA transfer requests should be made using the worksheet provided with the guidance issued for those transfers. Transfers requested under STEA require the attached transfer worksheet. Note that the worksheet must be annotated to indicate the amount that will require restoration and that this amount must be verified by the Division Administrator or his/her designee.

Requests for transfer of funds must be made in writing (fax or E-mail is acceptable) to Minnie Baskerville, Finance Division (HFS-20). Include a copy of the State's request and a transfer worksheet (Transfer Request Under the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 1997) signed by the Division Administrator (or designee).

Questions concerning these transfer provisions can be addressed by E-mail or phone to Linda Lightfoot (202-366-0734) or Minnie Baskerville (202-366-2924).

Frederick G. Wright, Jr.

Transfer Request Worksheet


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