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Speeches and Testimony

Remarks of Assistant Secretary Ann L. Combs Before the Stable Value Investment Association National Forum

“The Bear, the Boomers, and Stable Value: Has the Benchmark for Retirement Security Changed From Maximizing Return to Avoiding Ruin?”

October 15, 2003

Introductory Remarks

Thank you, Ken (Quann of New York Life Asset Management) for that kind introduction. I appreciate the opportunity to speak to the Stable Value Investment Association.

Let me start by commending Gina Mitchell for the hard, effective work she does advancing your core mission on Capitol Hill and with the Administration. Retirement policy has never been more important and under more scrutiny, and I know we share common goals to help Americans save during their working lives to afford a secure retirement.

Before we get into the specifics of the Bush Administration’s retirement policy, let me start by giving you a broader look at the President’s economic recovery plan that he announced on September 4th.

President Bush has proposed six specific steps to spur economic growth, create jobs, and build employer and consumer confidence.

First, we need to make health care more affordable – it’s an economic reality that the rise in insurance costs limits businesses’ ability to hire additional workers and make capital expenditures.

The President wants to reduce the burden lawsuits place on our economy – too many businesses are fighting expensive class actions and frivolous tort claims.

We need to ensure an affordable, reliable energy supply – to upgrade our national system, increase domestic supply and protect the environment.

The President is committed to streamlining regulations and reporting – we will promote job creation by reducing unnecessary burdens on business.

And this Administration will continue to seek new markets for American products. We cannot turn back the clock on free trade and the economic benefits it creates.

Finally, and of particular relevance to this audience, the President wants to enable families and business to plan for the future with confidence. A major component of economic security is retirement security. We have to work together to make sure American workers and their families retire with confidence.

The reality for many Americans is that saving for retirement means contributing to a 401(k) plan. Although the percentage of Americans participating in employer-sponsored retirement plans has remained relatively constant in the last twenty years, there has been an overwhelming trend away from defined benefit plans in favor of defined contribution plans.

In fact, while the proportion of private employees actively participating in defined benefit plans has dropped by nearly one-half, the proportion actively participating in defined contribution plans has more than tripled.

An estimated 42 percent of all private sector workers participate in defined contribution plans. For about 30 percent of workers, a DC plan is their only pension plan. If the statistics hold true, over half of current private sector workers who are age 65 by the year 2025 will rely solely on a defined contribution plan to provide retirement benefits.

In a 401(k) plan, the amount of retirement benefits is strongly affected by the length of time over which benefits accumulate. Unfortunately, Census Bureau data indicates that young workers offered a 401(k) plan often defer participation. Only about 60 percent of workers under 25 who are offered a plan choose to participate. These statistics reverse themselves among workers 40 and older, where the participation rate is 88 percent.

Thus, while a very high percentage of employees in firms with 401(k) plans eventually participate, many fail to take advantage of the opportunity to build up tax-deferred earnings by contributing at an early age and do not have an investment horizon that can tolerate volatility as well as longer-term investors.

Therefore, it is particularly important for employees to have 401(k) investment options available that allow them to preserve their principal and effectively manage their risk.We know DC investors have suffered through a long bear market and seen their DC accounts drastically reduced over the past three years. With an increased sensitivity to risk, data indicate that investors have a renewed interest in stable value investments.

Our job as policy makers is to create an environment that encourages employers to offer plans; fosters worker participation; provides guidance to fiduciaries about their responsibilities; presents regulatory improvements that recognize the modernization of the financial services industry; and develops reform proposals that balance the needs of employers for flexibility with the desires of employees to adequately prepare for retirement through secure investments and informed decisions.

Your job is to offer investment products that help employees minimize risk and maximize return; to strive to keep fees and expenses to a minimum; and to educate plan sponsors, advice providers and workers about stable value products and their role in a well-diversified portfolio. In doing so, you will help working families maximize their retirement security – a goal shared by this Administration.

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Legislative Agenda

Let me turn now to a brief discussion of the Administration’s legislative agenda in the retirement area.

In June of 2001, President Bush signed a tax bill that is now providing roughly $50 billion in tax relief over 10 years to enhance Americans’ retirement security. The bill increased the 401(k) and IRA limits, and introduced catch-up contributions for older workers. Simply put, the tax cut allows individuals to save more on a tax-preferred basis.

That tax package was followed by an economic growth package signed in May of 2003 that cut marginal tax rates – letting workers keep a larger portion of their paychecks. By allowing Americans to keep more of their own money, workers have more after tax income to save and to fuel economic growth.

And we need to have a dialogue about how to encourage those who do not save, or are not saving enough for retirement. We also need to address the barriers small businesses face in offering plans. These problems are addressed by the President’s proposals for Lifetime Savings Accounts, Retirement Savings Accounts and Employer Retirement Savings Accounts (LSAs, RSAs and ERSAs) included in last year’s budget.

But our focus in the short term is on immediate reforms that need to be made to our existing retirement system.

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The President’s Retirement Security Plan

As you know, over two years ago the President proposed a plan to enhance workers’ choices and control over their defined contribution accounts and restore confidence in the system.

Individual Americans have primary responsibility for investing approximately $2 trillion in retirement savings through their defined contribution plans. And they need help. The President’s plan would allow workers to rely on expert advisers who would assume full fiduciary responsibility for their counsel and disclose relationships and fees associated with investment alternatives. This approach will enable workers to make better retirement decisions.

Along with increasing access to investment advice, the bill would ensure that workers could sell company stock contributed on their behalf as an employer match and diversify into other investment options after three years. A diversified investment portfolio is essential to ensure that a defined contribution plan can provide working Americans with the retirement security they need and deserve.

A meaningful ability to diversify also depends on workers receiving timely information about their 401(k) accounts. The President’s Plan would require companies to provide workers with quarterly benefit statements including information about the value of their assets, their rights to diversify, and the importance of maintaining a diversified portfolio.

On May 14, the House passed the President’s proposal for the second time with significant bipartisan support. We are hopeful that the Senate will move a bill so the President can sign into law these important protections.

A second short-term priority is to address problems facing defined benefit plans. We want to ensure that DB plans continue to be a viable option for employers and workers who desire them. But we also must address the level of underfunding in the DB system as a whole and preserve the integrity of the PBGC.

Our reform efforts are focused on policies that encourage employers to make benefit promises they can afford and to fund the benefit promises they make. The first step is to institute a more accurate interest rate to measure a plan’s expected liabilities.

We would also require better disclosure to workers, retirees, investors and creditors about the funded status of pension plans – which will improve transparency and create incentives for better funding.

Third, we would provide new safeguards against underfunding by requiring financially troubled companies with below investment grade debt and highly underfunded plans to immediately fund or secure additional benefits or lump sum payments.

While we have called on Congress to enact these proposals immediately, the Administration continues to work on comprehensive reform of the funding rules.

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Compliance Assistance

To complement our legislative agenda, EBSA has worked hard to provide more frequent and timely guidance to plan sponsors. Since Secretary Chao arrived at the Department, she has stressed the need for EBSA to educate and assist employers, plan officials, trustees, service providers and others in achieving and maintaining compliance with ERISA.

It’s our goal to inform you as much as possible in order to increase compliance and consequently, to create greater retirement security for the American workforce. We will continue to seek ways to inform employers and service providers about their responsibilities.

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Field Assistance Bulletins

Last year, EBSA created a new compliance assistance tool – Field Assistance Bulletins (FABs). FABs are a vehicle for the national office to provide guidance to EBSA field offices on legal issues that arise in the course of investigations. By issuing a formal bulletin, we ensure that the law is applied consistently across the various regions and inform plan sponsors of our views of the issue. They are all on our web site.

We have issued six FABs so far, including ESOP refinancing, treatment of float, loans to executives under Sarbanes-Oxley, and the most recent FAB on expense allocation – an issue I know is of interest to many in this audience.

The guidance states that plan sponsors and fiduciaries have considerable discretion under ERISA to determine as a matter of plan design or administration how expenses will be allocated among participants and beneficiaries, including allocating them to individual accounts where appropriate.

If a method of allocating expenses is set forth in a plan document, fiduciaries are required to follow that method. When plan documents are silent or ambiguous, plan fiduciaries must act prudently and solely in the interests of participants in determining how to allocate expenses.

I also want to mention the SunAmerica Advisory Opinion we issued last year. That opinion allows investment managers to offer investment advice developed by an independent third party to participants in 401(k) plans, including advice about its own products. It also sanctioned the development of a new form of advice, the professionally managed account, where the participant selects a manager to manage his or her account in accordance with ongoing allocation advice provided by the independent.

The SunAmerica opinion opened the floodgates to independent advisory services and vastly expanded the advice services available to 401(k) participants. We are beginning to see the development of professionally managed account services as well. These are very positive developments but they don’t take away the need for the legislation to allow investment managers to provide advice directly. We need as many options as possible to be available in the market if we are to satisfy the need and desire for advice.

On that note, I am aware of your efforts to educate advice providers about stable value products and have them included in their asset allocation models. I am very interested in hearing a progress report on that issue.

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Regulatory Agenda

Now, let me briefly touch on our regulatory agenda – an additional source of guidance for 401(k) plan sponsors.

As you may know, Congress, in an effort to reduce leakage from the retirement system, amended the Internal Revenue Code in 2001 to specifically require automatic rollovers to IRAs of certain distributions from qualified plans of between $1,000 and $5,000. To facilitate such rollovers, the Congress directed the Department to establish, through regulation, safe harbors where plan officials would be relieved of their fiduciary duties when rolling over distributions to an IRA. These safe harbors would relate to a plan fiduciary’s selection of the institution to receive the distributions and the initial investment choice for the assets.

In order to get the benefit of the regulated communities’ insight and experience, we issued a “Request for Information” before drafting a proposed regulation. We received very thoughtful comments – including several that recommended using stable value funds as a prudent investment option for the rollover accounts. The Association did not comment, however, and I would be interested in your views as to whether stable value funds are appropriate for such an account. We look forward to issuing a proposal in the coming months.

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We also are working on a number of class exemptions that may be of interest to you. We have just issued an updated version of our QPAM exemption to reflect the changes that have taken place in the financial services industry since the exemption was first issued in 1984 – primarily the consolidation of financial institutions.

The proposal would ease compliance difficulties by narrowing the restrictions on transactions with parties in interest that have the power to invest a plan’s assets in a pooled fund managed by a QPAM. This would allow plans to engage in transactions with a larger group of related parties and increase the investment opportunities available to plans, allowing greater efficiencies and lowering costs.

American workers benefit when plan sponsors, administrators, and service providers have a clear understanding of ERISA’s rules and EBSA’s interpretation of those rules. Our efforts to provide guidance to the regulated community – through FABs, regulations, and exemptions – enhance retirement security by putting all of us on the same page.

Along with our efforts to expand compliance assistance programs, EBSA remains committed to a strong enforcement program. We have just closed the books on our fiscal year that ended on September 30, and we expect to announce another record year of recoveries for workers, retirees and their families.

A new focus for the Department’s enforcement efforts involves corporate fraud. As you know, we brought suit against Enron earlier this summer and we will continue to pursue litigation where it is necessary to protect the hard-earned savings of American workers and retirees that are lost due to corporate fraud and malfeasance. Corporate fraud is intolerable and has contributed to lingering economic insecurity. Preventing and prosecuting fraud remains a priority for this Administration.

The judge in the Enron case recently ruled on the defendants’ motion to dismiss a parallel private lawsuit brought on behalf on Enron employees. In her ruling, the judge relied heavily on the Department’s brief, confirming our legal views on the responsibilities of fiduciaries.

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Mutual Fund Late Trading and Market Timing

And as you know, another front has been opened in the war against fraud. New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and the SEC have recently launched investigations into alleged late trading and market timing by mutual funds.

I recognize that the practice of short-term trading is discouraged by mutual funds, but in certain cases, the fund managers have overlooked or agreed to short-term trading by certain investors in return for investments that would increase their fees.

How do these allegations impact defined contribution plans? Market timing would disadvantage long-term investors, including 401(k) plans, by increasing fund administrative expenses. The problem with late trading is obvious – it’s illegal. What should plan fiduciaries do in light of the allegations?

ERISA requires that plan investment decisions, including the selection of mutual funds, must be prudent and solely in the interest of the plan’s participants and beneficiaries.

Allegations of improper mutual fund practices where a plan is invested must be factored into the fiduciary’s determination of the continuing appropriateness of that investment. The plan fiduciary may need to contact the mutual fund’s management for information regarding the trading practices and take appropriate action.

We expect that fiduciaries will be attentive to activities that materially affect the plan’s investment in the mutual fund or expose the plan to additional risk. Therefore, plan fiduciaries should have more active communication with mutual fund management in order to meet their obligations under ERISA.

Fiduciaries may also ultimately have to decide whether and how to participate in lawsuits or settlements arising from improper mutual fund activities. Of course, a plan fiduciary must weigh the cost of participating in a lawsuit against the likelihood and amount of potential recovery.

Perhaps one of the beneficial side effects of the unfortunate spate of corporate fraud and mutual fund investigations is a renewed emphasis on good corporate governance and good plan governance. I hope that the issues raised by Enron and similar cases have focused corporate officials on the important role fiduciaries play in protecting plan participants and has provided a necessary wake up call for people to take their fiduciary responsibilities seriously. In the long run, a renewed focus on fiduciary responsibility will benefit us all.

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Let me close by saying that the Administration, the Department, and particularly EBSA, have been working for the last two and one half years to ensure American workers a better, more secure retirement. We have accomplished a number of things, but there is a lot more work to be done. And we need your help.

The 401(k) system is essential to Americans. We are truly a nation of investors. The challenge now before the Administration, the Congress and the industry is to strengthen our ability to deliver the retirement income and security that workers deserve and depend upon.

I look forward to continuing to work with you. Thank you, and I’d be pleased to take a few questions.

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