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Policy Evaluation Criteria for Scoring

Based on the answers to each question, an agency's policy adherence will be assessed as Strong, OK, or Weak.

Strong adherence means (must meet all 3 criteria): 
1. Incorporating government wide policy into published agency policy
2. Making affected employees aware* of policy requirements on a regular basis
3. Verifying policy adherence

*Awareness could be formal/online training, a memo/email referencing policy, SOP, handbook, website or other relevant documents.
OK adherence means (must meet all 3 criteria):
1. Incorporating government wide policy into published agency policy
2. Occasionally reminding affected employees of policy requirements
3. Verifying policy adherence

Weak adherence means (If ANY apply):
1. Government wide policy is not incorporated into published agency policy
2. No regular training or reminders to affected employees of policy requirements
3. Failure to verify policy adherence

1) An agency's adherence with a particular policy requirement will also be rated as OK if they have obtained a waiver from that requirement.

2) To attain an OK or Strong rating for a particular policy requirement, an agency must present documented evidence that it has met each element of the evaluation criteria.

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