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November 5, 2008    DOL Home > ILAB   

Improving the Workplace Environment through HIV/AIDS Prevention Education (HIV/AIDS)

Under the HIV/AIDS initiative, USDOL works to reduce the rate of HIV/AID infection through workplace-based prevention and education programs and to improve the workplace environment for workers living with HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS projects attempt to break through the fear, social stigmatization and workplace discrimination workers commonly experience. These factors inhibit traditional prevention and education efforts to reduce the rate of infection.

These projects combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the workplace using a variety of innovative strategies:

  • HIV/AIDS projects enable the development of comprehensive workplace-based prevention and education programs, which address behavior change, gender issues, and linkages with care and support services.
  • Projects assist governments, employers, and trade unions in the development and dissemination of national workplace policy statements to address issues stemming from the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS.
  • HIV/AIDS projects support the formation of tripartite advisory committees; organize workshops to strengthen collaboration among stakeholders; and generate support from employees, employers, and host governments to plan and commit future resources to sustain the program.
  • These projects facilitate the formation of steering committees at private sector work sites.
  • They assess the impact of HIV/AIDS on productivity in the workplace and identify best practices or lessons learned for use in future projects.
  • HIV/AIDS projects support the development and testing of innovative communication approaches and materials.

An example of an HIV/AIDS project activity includes:

  • Workplace Education and Prevention: Training HIV/AIDS educators and peer counselors at the worksites of the largest employers in Malawi, Haiti, India, Vietnam, Ukraine, Nigeria and the Dominican Republic to break down barriers inhibiting the discussion of HIV/AIDS in the workplace.

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