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Tips to save energy

Environmental responsibility is everyone’s responsibility. Today, instead of having only 17 thousand EPA employees working to protect the environment, we now have over 300 million Americans as environmental partners making environmentally protective choices. By equipping this growing army of environmental stewards with the tools they need to meet today’s challenges, EPA is helping America shift into a green culture.

Tips to save energy

Reduce your carbon footprint! Use public transportation, carpool, walk, or bike whenever possible to avoid using your car. Learn about reducing your carbon footprint.

Don’t idle! Remind your school bus driver to turn off the engine when the bus is parked to eliminate harmful pollution. More about reducing engine idling.

Change lightbulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs to reduce energy bills and emissions from power plants.

Buy or switch to energy efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs. Look for the Energy Star label. Find more energy savings.

eCycle - take your old computers or other electronics to a local recycling center. This helps keep lead, cadmium, and other substances out of the landfill. Find eCycling centers near you.

Check to see how much of your electricity is generated using renewable sources, like wind, solar, or other types. Use the green power locator.

Leaving your car at home twice a week can cut greenhouse gas emissions over 1,500 pounds per year. More ways to reduce greenhouse gas.

As you start your spring cleaning, do a home energy audit and switch to Energy Star products. More ideas for what you can do at home.

Renovating your home? You can build with designs and materials to conserve energy and materials, and save money in the long run. Think green building!

High school students can study links between everyday actions at their high school, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. See what you can do to help with climate change.

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