[Federal Register: February 17, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 31)] [Notices] [Page 7906-7907] From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr17fe99-126] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Bureau of Land Management [WY-920-1430-00; WYW-142433] Notice of Availability of the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact, and the Proposed Designation of an Area of Critical Environmental Concern for Public Review and Comment, Wyoming AGENCY: Bureau of Land Management, Interior. ACTION: Notice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite describes three alternatives for managing the review area, including the Bureau of Land Management's Preferred Alternative. The environmental consequences of implementing each of the alternatives are also presented in the document. The planning review area encompasses about 1,800 acres of BLM-administered public land in the Washakie Planning Area of the Worland Field Office. A review of existing land-use planning decisions is being conducted to decide how to manage public lands, resources, educational opportunities, and other values associated with the recent discovery of dinosaur tracks on BLM-administered public lands near Shell, Wyoming. The tracks were not addressed in the Washakie Resource Management Plan (RMP) which was completed in 1988, and the BLM is evaluating the adequacy of existing management prescriptions for the discovery area for protecting the tracks and related values. The BLM's Preferred Alternative would emphasize management of the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite for scientific research, public education, and recreation. The tracksite would be designated an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) and would become part of an existing Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA). In addition, the BLM would close the area to the staking and [[Page 7907]] development of mining claims and would prohibit most other surface- disturbing activities under the Preferred Alternative. Based on the analysis of potential environmental impacts contained in the EA, it has been determined that the impacts are not expected to be significant and that an Environmental Impact Statement is not needed. The Washakie RMP will be amended, if necessary, after the BLM reviews comments on the EA, resolves any protests, makes any needed changes to the EA, and releases a Decision Record. DATES: Reviewers will have 30 (thirty) days (by March 19, 1999) after the Notice Of Availability (NOA) of this EA is published in the Federal Register to submit protests on the proposed decision (Preferred Alternative) as provided by 43 CFR 1610.5-2. All parts of the proposed decision may be protested. Protests shall be filed with the Director of the Bureau of Land Management, Attention: Ms. Brenda Williams, Protests Coordinator, WO-210/LS-1075, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. The same 30-day time period will be allowed for commenting on the proposed decision, other elements of the EA, and the Finding of No Significant Impact; and 60 (sixty) days beginning on the same date, will be allowed for review and comment on the proposed ACEC designation (see 43 CFR 1610.7-2(b)). Comments should be directed to Bob Ross, Worland Field Office Planning Coordinator, P.O. Box 119, Worland, Wyoming 82401-0119. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bob Ross at (307) 347-5178. Copies of the EA are available from the Worland Field Office. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Following the discovery of the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite, the BLM completed a temporary management plan for the lands in and around the fossil discovery area and offered opportunities for public participation in the planning review. The steps followed in this planning review are: (1) Paleontologists and geologists are consulted on the significance and vulnerability of the dinosaur tracks. (2) Temporary measures are put into effect to protect the health and safety of tracksite visitors, allow for scientific research during the summer field season, and prevent damage to the fossil resources. These measures include a temporary segregation (closure) of the public lands to the staking and development of mining claims. (3) A notice of intent to conduct a planning review is published to inform the public of known and anticipated issues and of opportunities for public participation and comment. (4) An interdisciplinary planning team describes and analyzes the existing management in the planning review area and describes the affected environment. (5) Public contacts and meetings are held for scoping and for review of the preliminary issues and alternatives. (6) With the help of the public, management alternatives for the area are formulated and analyzed in the EA. (7) A notice is published to inform the public of the availability of the EA for review. If any protests are received on proposed decisions to be added to or changed in the RMP, these are resolved by the BLM Director. (8) The EA is then revised, if necessary, and a Decision Record is issued with a description of the comments and/ or protests on the proposed decisions, along with an explanation of how the comments and/or protests were answered. If appropriate, the Decision Record will incorporate additional or changed land-use planning decisions, thereby amending the Washakie RMP. Based on the public's input and analysis by the BLM interdisciplinary team, the following issues have been identified. (1) Whether the area should be managed for scientific research, public education, and recreation with the development of interpretive signs and facilities. (2) Whether the area should be managed primarily for scientific research with little or no development. (3) Whether the area should be designated an ACEC to emphasize the protection of significant fossil resources. (4) Whether the area should be included within the West Slope of the Bighorn Mountains SRMA to allow for more intensive recreation management. (5) Whether commercial outfitters should be allowed to take visitors on tours of the tracksite. (6) Whether withdrawing some or all of the area from mining claim development would be necessary. (7) Whether other measures, in addition to those required by the Washakie RMP, are necessary to protect the tracks from surface- disturbing activities. The three alternatives analyzed in the EA are: (1) No Action (continuation of existing management); (2) Management for Scientific Research; and (3) Management for Scientific Research, Public Education, and Recreation (BLM's Preferred Alternative). The various impacts that would be expected from implementing each of the alternatives is also presented in the EA. Depending on the results of the comment and protest periods, the Washakie RMP could be amended at the time a Decision Record is issued. Comments, including names and street addresses of respondents will be available for public review at the Worland Field Office, 101 South 23rd Street, Worland, Wyoming during regular business hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday, except holidays. Individual respondents may request confidentiality. If you wish to withhold your name or address from public review or from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, you must state this prominently at the beginning of your comments. Such requests will be honored to the extent allowed by law. All submissions from organizations or businesses, and from individuals identifying themselves as representatives or officials of organizations or businesses, will be made available for public inspection in their entirety. Dated: February 10, 1999. Alan L. Kesterke, Associate State Director. [FR Doc. 99-3754 Filed 2-16-99; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310-22-P