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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Reprints available

Two new reprints of articles by AHRQ Director John M. Eisenberg, M.D., are now available from the ARHQ Publications Clearinghouse.

"Staying true to roots while branching out" (AHRQ Publication No. 00-R038), which appeared in the May 2000 issue of Managed Care, pp. 33-40, is an interview with Dr. Eisenberg that focuses on the Agency's reauthorization and the effects it has had on programs and priorities.

In the article "Quality research for quality healthcare: The data connection" (AHRQ Publication No. 00-R034), which appeared in the June 2000 issue of Health Services Research 35, pp. xii-xvii, Dr. Eisenberg discusses on two data resources developed and maintained by AHRQ: MEPS (the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) and HCUP (the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project).

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