Top 20 US Import Sources for Boat Building and Repairing
NAICS 336612   SIC 3732
U.S. Imports for Consumption by Customs Value
Annual and Year Through Second Quarter (Jan - June)
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008 % Change
In 1,000 Dollars
Canada 362,645 426,196 457,156 401,323 391,975 400,292 452,152 406,477 347,794 342,281 -1.6%
Italy 154,308 104,802 129,080 179,596 167,961 203,538 212,803 225,483 97,063 49,785 -48.7%
Taiwan 127,081 152,661 138,957 121,980 143,702 138,469 168,003 184,346 85,373 82,731 -3.1%
Mexico 436 126 11,491 42,173 63,151 87,797 113,004 107,912 58,227 45,661 -21.6%
China 7,962 9,968 13,071 15,262 35,636 56,980 76,534 86,280 44,222 42,558 -3.8%
Australia 33,349 49,356 35,897 48,673 50,140 45,655 54,156 73,677 24,466 36,626 49.7%
United Kingdom 131,890 124,768 100,832 102,598 119,742 142,133 87,450 60,639 32,812 38,298 16.7%
Netherlands 20,411 17,780 15,953 38,652 39,816 30,327 6,700 50,862 50,117 8,049 -83.9%
France 36,266 39,584 34,087 40,397 47,700 51,469 56,923 49,764 25,015 30,794 23.1%
Japan 36,997 33,632 78,254 33,565 24,628 15,974 18,070 31,844 22,714 24,245 6.7%
Singapore 18,630 22,062 18,565 25,907 18,539 24,041 29,378 24,340 10,377 12,148 17.1%
Malaysia 12,944 17,145 14,609 10,256 17,788 19,738 28,963 19,497 11,514 11,341 -1.5%
South Africa 6,345 5,654 6,986 10,615 8,718 12,188 15,014 16,682 8,275 4,244 -48.7%
Germany 12,329 7,367 6,457 11,374 15,117 6,217 6,794 15,830 11,866 3,647 -69.3%
Finland 14,791 12,366 11,635 17,694 6,474 6,438 8,194 14,907 10,659 1,244 -88.3%
New Zealand 15,680 9,971 20,137 21,665 8,109 13,363 8,505 11,804 9,047 2,942 -67.5%
Turkey 3,570 1,039 2,012 4,478 5,842 8,291 10,707 11,190 6,003 8,091 34.8%
Hong Kong 8,611 17,396 12,731 13,668 15,628 13,616 22,962 8,701 4,296 11,548 168.8%
Brazil 455 1,092 520 2,934 5,798 10,633 1,916 7,639 3,305 472 -85.7%
Argentina 8,154 1,325 2,334 4,858 1,233 1,133 1,073 5,685 2,504 1,238 -50.6%
Subtotal : 1,012,852 1,054,291 1,110,759 1,147,666 1,187,699 1,288,292 1,379,301 1,413,558 865,650 757,943 -12.4%
All Other: 28,662 32,678 22,285 31,841 28,442 28,122 16,239 20,371 11,416 5,591 -51.0%
Total 1,041,514 1,086,968 1,133,044 1,179,508 1,216,142 1,316,413 1,395,540 1,433,930 877,066 763,535 -12.9%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV, 9/16/08