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 You are here: BHS Home arrow Classification FAQs arrow Completing Classification Forms

 Completing Your Classification Form

12.  Can I fill out this form online?

No. Electronic reporting is not available for Classification Forms.

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13.  How do I know if the business is located in a town, township, village, etc..?

If you do not know whether your business is located in a town, township, village, etc., mark the "do not know" box.

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14.  Should I check more than one box if I am engaged in more than one business activity?

No, please check only the box that best describes your primary business activity.

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15.  I can't find a description that matches my kind of business, so how should I report?

Describe your primary business activity on the line provided for an "Other - Specify" response (or somewhere on the form).

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16.  What if a particular section of the Classification Form does not apply to my business?

If a section of the form does not apply to your business, move to the next section without marking a box, until you find a section that is relevant.

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17.  How should I answer the class of customer question?

This inquiry helps distinguish retail and wholesale trade establishments by measuring the composition of sales by type of customer. Please answer "yes or no" for the class of customer questions and indicate the percent by class of customer type.

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18.  What if I have more than one method of selling?

Please mark an "X" in the box that best describes the principal method used by your establishment. "Principal" means the method that generated the most receipts or revenue during calendar year 2007. If your principal method is not listed, please choose "Other kind of business" at the end of the list and briefly describe it in the space near the box.

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19.  How should I answer the type of operation question?

This inquiry helps distinguish between different types of wholesalers. Please mark an “X” in the box that best represents the majority of revenue from sales for this establishment.

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20.  How do I detail the receipts of a non-profit or other organization?

Within the receipts box, please specify the types of activities the organization is involved in, broken down by the receipts’ percent of the total operation. (For example, environmental advocacy - 60%, human rights advocacy - 20%, fundraising - 20%).

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21.  What do you want written in the "Remarks" section?

The "Remarks" section can be used for any comments that you may have, or additional information that you would like to provide to clarify your responses.

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22.  Who should sign the certification question on the form?

The person who signs the form should be the person to contact if we have questions.

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23.  How do I return my completed form?

Please send your completed Economic Census form to the Census Bureau by mail in the envelope provided in your mailing package. Be sure to complete all items including a person we may contact if we have questions. If you have questions or require assistance in sending us your completed form, please contact us.

If you do not have the envelope provided, please send the form to our mail address at U.S. Census Bureau, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132-0001.

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Last revised: May 14 2007 14:09:13

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