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AHSR issues call for abstracts for June 2000 meeting

Abstracts are due by January 14, 2000, for papers to be presented at the Association for Health Services Research's annual meeting to be held June 25-27, 2000, at the Westin Bonaventure in Los Angeles, CA. The theme of the upcoming meeting is "Research to action: Shaping the health system in the new millennium."

Abstracts are invited for three categories: paper presentations, panel sessions, and posters. Paper presentations are being organized into 10 themes: access/social determinants, behavioral health, challenges for the new millennium, care for children, coverage and insurance, managed care and markets, management/organization, Medicare/care for elderly, quality, outcomes/effectiveness, and workforce issues. Panel presentations and posters are not theme-related but may focus on any health services research topic. All abstracts undergo blind peer review, and those selected for a session or poster presentation will be included in disk or CD format for all conference participants.

To be considered, abstracts (disk and five paper copies) must be received by AHSR no later than January 14, 2000. Abstracts may not contain tables or graphs. Abstracts sent by fax or E-mail will not be considered. Send abstracts to Arnold Epstein, M.D., Conference Chair, Association for Health Services Research, 1130 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036. Selections will be made and authors will be notified by March 24, 2000.

Contact AHSR at the above address or by phone at (202) 223-2477 or at fax (202) 835-8972 to request an abstract submission form and more information. Or, visit AHSR's Web site at for the latest meeting information.

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