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 You are in: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice > Former Secretaries of State > Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell > Travels > 2004 

Travel to South Asia and Middle East

March 14, 2004 to March 21, 2004

  Travels With
  Secretary of State
  Colin L. Powell

   Picture of Secretary of State Colin Powell   


Secretary of State Colin L. Powell visited South Asia and the Middle East beginning the week of March 14, 2004. He met with senior officials and political leaders in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan to discuss a range of bilateral and security matters, including regional issues. In India, he discussed next steps and beyond in our strategic relationship. In Pakistan, he covered a wide range of issues with our ally and partner in the Global War on Terror. In Afghanistan, he focused on the consolidation of economic and political reconstruction and look ahead to the International Conference on Afghanistan in Berlin.

This visit was the latest in a series of consultations between South Asian leaders and the United States. The South Asian region is vital to American interests.  

Secretary Powell also traveled to Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. In Iraq he met with Coalition Provisional Authority personnel and troops. In Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, he met with those countries' Foreign Ministers.

[photo galleries one : two]

Remarks by Secretary Powell
2004/03/20:  Remarks With Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Al-Sabah
2004/03/19:  Remarks With With Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal
2004/03/19:  Remarks at Coalition Provisional Authority "Meet and Greet"
2004/03/19:  Remarks With Coalition Provisional Authority Administrator Bremer
2004/03/18:  Remarks En Route to Kuwait
2004/03/18:  Remarks to Pakistani Youth
2004/03/18:  Interview by Hamid Mir of GEO TV
2004/03/18:  Interview by Nasim Zehra of Pakistan Television
2004/03/18:  Remarks With Pakistan Foreign Minister Kasuri
2004/03/17:  Interview on CNN’s NewsNight
2004/03/17:  Remarks Upon Departing Afghanistan
Secretary Powell and Afghan President Hamid Karzai shake hands at podiums, Kabul, Afghanistan. March 17, 2004. Department of State photo. 2004/03/17:  Remarks With President of Afghanistan
2004/03/17:  Remarks After Visiting Afghan Voter Registration Site
2004/03/17:  Op-Ed "The Promise of Our Partnership"
2003/03/16:  Remarks on NDTV 24x7’s “India Questions Colin Powell” Dialogue
2004/03/16:  Interview by Karan Singh of Doordarshan News
2004/03/16:  Joint Press Availability With Indian Minister of External Affairs Yaswant Sinha Secretary Powell with Minister of External Affairs Yaswant Sinha at their press availability in New Delhi. Photo by Miriam Caravella.
2004/03/15:  Remarks for Al-Hurrah Television on the 16th Anniversary of the Halabja Massacre
2004/03/15Press Briefing En Route to New Delhi, India
2004/03/12:  Message to the India Today Conclave

Other Remarks
2004/03/15: Remarks by Under Secretary Larson  at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Related Information
International Conference in Berlin
Fact Sheet:  The United States-Pakistan Partnership

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