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New England (1) Emergency Preparedness

Michael James Stec
(617) 565-7142

New England Region Concierge Desk
1 (866) 734-1727

The New England Region is prepared to assist federal agencies in emergency response operations. GSA is responsible for opening and closing federal buildings and leased locations where federal agencies are located. All GSA owned and leased New England Federal Buildings have current Occupant Emergency Plans (OEP). In the event of an emergency, federal employees should follow their own agency's emergency procedures and monitor media announcements for emergency-related information. GSA will publish emergency information, when necessary, to

GSA also assists the federal community with the process of securing alternate facilities. Agency clients should ensure that their alternate work sites and point of contact information is accurate and on file with the Regional Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (contact information is provided on the upper right).

As a national priority, and as mandated through Presidential Directive, all federal agencies should have emergency preparedness plans and a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). The COOP is intended to ensure continuity of essential federal functions under all circumstances. Essential functions are those that enable federal agencies to provide vital services, exercise civil authority, maintain the safety and well being of the general public, and sustain the industrial/economic base in an emergency. The COOP should be tested on a quarterly basis; verifying that all the information is current, that contacts, call trees, and facilities access are correct.

Key Elements of a COOP

  • Delineate essential functions and activities
  • Determine a decision process for determining appropriate actions in implementing COOP plans and procedures
  • Keep a roster of fully equipped and trained emergency personnel with the authority to perform essential functions and activities
  • Establish procedures for employee advisories, alerts, COOP implementation, with instructions for relocation to pre-designed facilities, with and without warnings, during duty and non-duty hours
  • Provide for personnel accountability throughout the duration of the emergency
  • Provide for attaining operational capability within 12 hours
  • Establish reliable processes and procedures to acquire resources necessary to continue essential functions and sustain operations for up to 30 days
  • Establish written rules and procedures for a line of succession and delegation of authorities