U.S. Census Bureau

Historical Income Tables - Experimental Measures

Household Income After Taxes
Table RDI-1Household Income Before and After Taxes
Table RDI-2Mean Taxes Paid and Taxes Paid as a Percentage of Total Mean Before-Tax Income by Type of Tax
Table RDI-3Share of Aggregate Before and After Tax Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Households
Definitions of Alternative Measures of Income
Table RDI-4Median Household Income by Definition of Income
Table RDI-5Index of Income Concentration (Gini Index) by Definition of Income
Table RDI-6Income Limits for Each Fifth of Households by Selected Definition of Income
Table RDI-7Share of Aggregate Income Received by Each Fifth of Households by Selected Definition of Income
Table RDI-8Mean Income Received by Each Fifth of Households by Selected Definition of Income

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: August 26, 2008