Top 20 Export Destinations for Marine Engines (non-diesel)
by FAS Value
Annual and Year Through the Second Quarter (Jan-June)
Country 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 QTR_2007 QTR_2008 '07-'08                % Change
In 1,000 Dollars  
Belgium 118,068 74,993 62,588 74,253 119,242 139,693 85,089 96,371 61,009 49,847 -18.3%
Canada 62,574 44,681 55,326 52,393 60,539 69,189 61,721 72,529 36,175 42,268 16.8%
Australia 48,554 29,780 45,209 50,938 54,651 65,450 66,906 59,670 25,351 11,933 -52.9%
Mexico 9,543 6,988 5,036 4,819 9,689 46,530 46,172 40,761 23,643 9,573 -59.5%
Sweden 41 225 285 653 1,204 18,569 28,199 17,279 11,408 6,112 -46.4%
Brazil 6,983 7,618 9,866 6,945 7,129 11,000 14,170 15,773 5,683 8,795 54.8%
Italy 36 1,090 8,760 6,701 10,440 7,863 14,672 14,422 9,200 9,309 1.2%
New Zealand 13,899 6,683 5,223 9,323 9,773 11,631 10,733 11,517 4,763 2,691 -43.5%
Norway 329 205 1,180 5,341 11,495 12,995 12,326 10,082 7,997 11,634 45.5%
Venezuela 2,421 1,014 469 406 1,534 3,293 5,049 8,973 3,948 5,656 43.3%
China 7,023 3,613 1,764 646 2,171 2,782 2,711 6,070 4,027 687 -82.9%
United Arab Em 70 32 398 1,379 1,499 1,011 2,807 5,498 2,288 2,852 24.7%
Singapore 323 592 653 1,467 3,014 3,821 1,376 4,300 320 623 94.7%
Korea 7,309 4,395 3,926 3,048 3,818 5,405 4,389 3,829 2,432 2,610 7.3%
Malaysia 3,936 4,369 4,321 2,854 3,883 3,537 4,700 3,385 1,483 1,343 -9.4%
South Africa 105 38 602 1,641 1,560 2,327 6,280 3,159 870 514 -40.9%
Hong Kong 6,422 3,011 2,054 3,929 4,373 3,547 3,331 3,049 1,645 1,203 -26.9%
Denmark 4 14 3 195 291 340 293 2,635 2,455 104 -95.8%
Bahamas 2,778 1,639 1,200 1,548 4,322 1,658 2,240 2,628 1,498 1,335 -10.9%
Japan 3,568 2,844 1,639 5,246 1,970 3,691 2,789 2,494 1,287 1,068 -17.0%
Subtotal : 293,987 193,822 210,501 233,725 312,597 414,332 375,952 384,424 207,485 170,157 -18.0%
All Other: 26,673 18,665 20,296 31,726 34,272 33,933 32,070 34,408 15,381 16,930 10.1%
Total 320,660 212,487 230,796 265,451 346,868 448,265 408,022 418,832 222,865 187,087 -16.1%
Sources: Data on this site have been compiled from tariff and trade data from the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.  
Updated by JV, 9/16/08