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US Census Bureau News Release
Patricia Buscher                                                    CB02-76
Public Information Office
(301) 457-3030/457-3670 (fax)
(301) 457-1037 (TDD)

                California County Shows Biggest
            Percentage Increase in Jobs and Payroll
  Santa Clara County, Calif., showed one of the fastest-growing percentage
increases in jobs of U.S. counties between 1999 and 2000, according to a
report on business activity released today by the Commerce Department's
Census Bureau.

  Santa Clara, part of the San Francisco-Oakland Consolidated Metropolitan
Statistical Area, whose most populous city is San Jose, had a 6.2 percent
increase in employment, tops among the five counties with the largest
numeric gains in job growth.

  According to the report, 2000 County Business Patterns, job growth in 
the rest of the top five counties was as follows: New York County, N.Y., the 
Manhattan portion of New York City, 3.9 percent; Maricopa County, Ariz., 
3.8 percent; Los Angeles County, Calif., 3.1 percent; and Cook County, Ill., 
2.1 percent.

  Among the five counties with the largest gains in payroll, Santa Clara
again had the highest percentage increase (36.7 percent). Middlesex
County, Mass. (up 19.4 percent), and New York County (up 18.1 percent)
were next, followed by Los Angeles County and Cook County (up 7.9 percent

  Nationwide, private sector employment grew by 3 percent from 111 million
in 1999 to 114 million in 2000. In addition, pay for these employees grew
by 9.1 percent to $3.9 trillion.
  The following table shows employee gains for the United States and the
five counties with the largest employee gains from 1999 to 2000:

		        2000	       1999          Gain: 1999-2000	   
County               Employees	     Employees	     Number/Percent	

United States	     114,065,000     110,705,700     3,359,300	3.0	                      			
Los Angeles, Calif.    3,863,900       3,747,800       116,100	3.1
New York, N.Y.  1/     2,080,900       2,001,900	79,000	3.9
Santa Clara, Calif.	 999,500	 941,500	58,000	6.2
Cook, Ill.	       2,554,000       2,501,500	52,500	2.1								
Maricopa, Ariz.	       1,354,200       1,305,300	48,900	3.8

1/ Manhattan portion of New York City
  Gains in the number of business establishments with employees for the
United States and the five top counties, from 1999 to 2000, were:

			 2000		  1999	         Gain: 1999-2000
County	             Establishments   Establishments	 Number/Percent

United States		7,070,048        7,008,444	  61,604  0.9								   
Los Angeles, Calif.	  226,282	   222,513         3,769  1.7
New York, N.Y.  1/	  107,781	   105,670	   2,111  2.0
Orange, Calif.		   78,556	    76,532	   2,024  2.6
San Diego, Calif.	   67,922           65,905	   2,017  3.1
Maricopa, Ariz.		   72,014	    70,489	   1,525  2.2

1/ Manhattan portion of New York City              

  Gains for the United States and the five counties with the largest 
dollar gains in annual payrolls, from 1999 to 2000, were:

                                                       Gain: 1999-2000
County  	     2000 Payroll      1999 Payroll	Amount/Percent
                      ($billion)	($billion)	 ($billion)

United States	        3,879.4		 3,554.7	 324.7	 9.1	  							
New York, N.Y.  1/	  157.6		   133.5	  24.1  18.1
Santa Clara, Calif.        76.8		    56.2	  20.6  36.7
Los Angeles, Calif.       141.3		   130.9	  10.4	 7.9
Cook, Ill.		  105.2	            97.5           7.7	 7.9
Middlesex, Mass.           44.1		    37.0	   7.2  19.4	

1/ Manhattan portion of New York City

  The 2000 County Business Patterns data series uses the North 
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, which reflect more
accurately and more comprehensively the growing service-based economy.
NAICS includes 1,170 industries, of which 565 are service based.
  County Business Patterns data are obtained from Census Bureau reports
and administrative records of other federal agencies. Quality assurance
procedures are applied to all phases of collection, processing and
tabulation to minimize errors. The data are subject to error from
miscoding and estimation for missing or misreported data.

  The data will be available on CD-ROM at a later date. The Census Bureau
will release the report for Puerto Rico later this year.

Selected Data by States: 2000

Non-Farm Employment Establishments Annual Payroll
Number of

employees as of March 12


change from 1999

Number Percent change from 1999 Amount ($1,000) Percent change from 1999 Average per employee (dollars)
United States 114,064,976 3.0 7,070,048 0.9 3,879,430,052 9.1 34,011
Alabama 1,653,074 1.2 99,817 -0.7 43,957,816 3.5 26,592
Alaska 204,887 3.2 18,501 0.4 7,649,748 7.6 37,336
Arizona 1,919,353 4.4 114,804 2.0 58,235,779 10.0 30,341
Arkansas 990,830 3.8 63,185 0.7 24,663,335 6.4 24,892
California 12,884,692 4.3 799,863 1.9 514,360,478 15.2 39,920
Colorado 1,913,302 5.0 137,528 2.8 68,179,190 14.1 35,634
Connecticut 1,546,250 1.0 92,436 0.0 67,384,810 8.5 43,580
Delaware 377,277 4.6 23,771 1.7 14,320,011 13.5 37,956
District of Columbia 414,983 2.6 19,655 1.0 19,984,505 9.3 48,157
Florida 6,217,386 4.4 428,438 1.0 177,378,971 10.2 28,530
Georgia 3,483,500 3.6 200,442 1.4 112,899,269 8.7 32,410
Hawaii 432,092 3.1 29,853 1.0 12,331,233 5.7 28,538
Idaho 450,788 3.8 37,429 1.2 12,395,973 12.4 27,498
Illinois 5,501,036 3.0 308,067 0.4 201,319,268 7.1 36,597
Indiana 2,650,774 2.7 146,321 -0.1 78,992,813 4.5 29,800
Iowa 1,265,064 2.1 80,890 -0.4 33,752,570 5.4 26,681
Kansas 1,128,732 1.5 74,939 0.6 31,990,762 4.5 28,342
Kentucky 1,513,722 3.0 89,921 0.0 41,233,591 4.3 27,240
Louisiana 1,592,357 0.8 101,016 0.0 42,975,159 3.6 26,988
Maine 491,780 3.5 39,466 1.5 13,490,186 7.2 27,431
Maryland 2,058,304 3.5 128,467 0.8 70,877,270 10.4 34,435
Massachusetts 3,087,044 3.9 176,222 1.7 131,444,257 14.0 42,579
Michigan 4,072,786 1.9 236,912 0.2 145,482,490 5.2 35,721
Minnesota 2,395,361 2.4 139,080 1.3 82,483,852 9.5 34,435
Mississippi 956,781 0.8 59,788 -0.1 22,843,586 3.0 23,875
Missouri 2,398,979 2.0 144,755 -0.1 72,195,796 5.3 30,094
Montana 296,220 2.7 31,849 1.5 6,808,075 5.7 22,983
Nebraska 751,076 2.3 49,623 1.3 20,283,421 4.4 27,006
Nevada 902,775 5.7 48,178 2.7 26,597,395 9.0 29,462
New Hampshire 546,400 3.3 37,414 0.6 17,826,474 11.0 32,625
New Jersey 3,548,429 3.1 233,559 0.7 147,082,234 10.2 41,450
New Mexico 549,352 1.5 42,782 -0.3 14,303,193 4.9 26,036
New York 7,353,209 3.0 492,073 1.3 330,586,554 12.2 44,958
North Carolina 3,385,492 1.8 203,903 1.1 99,687,306 7.4 29,445
North Dakota 255,178 2.0 20,139 -1.2 6,057,225 4.6 23,737
Ohio 5,001,980 2.8 270,509 -0.1 155,035,151 4.4 30,995
Oklahoma 1,201,606 2.6 85,094 0.3 31,700,630 6.1 26,382
Oregon 1,355,442 1.7 100,645 0.7 43,689,551 10.0 32,233
Pennsylvania 5,087,237 2.0 294,741 0.4 165,108,376 6.9 32,455
Rhode Island 415,168 2.4 28,534 1.0 12,585,945 6.3 30,315
South Carolina 1,601,532 2.5 97,146 0.7 43,362,158 6.0 27,075
South Dakota 306,704 3.9 23,783 0.4 7,296,364 6.4 23,790
Tennessee 2,390,322 2.2 130,876 -0.2 69,411,435 5.2 29,039
Texas 8,026,438 3.4 471,509 0.9 269,917,800 10.1 33,629
Utah 917,089 3.1 55,379 2.9 25,439,601 8.9 27,740
Vermont 253,541 2.9 21,564 -0.2 6,938,080 9.5 27,365
Virginia 2,903,548 4.0 175,582 1.2 97,692,222 4.9 33,646
Washington 2,267,485 2.6 164,018 0.7 87,746,294 11.5 38,698
West Virginia 558,171 2.3 41,047 -1.0 14,019,258 3.7 25,116
Wisconsin 2,414,834 2.0 140,415 0.6 72,892,099 5.2 30,185
Wyoming 174,614 3.2 18,120 1.2 4,540,493 5.9 26,003

Selected Data for 50 Counties Having Highest Nonfarm Employment: 2000

Non-Farm Employment Establishments Annual Payroll
Number of employees as of March 12 Percent change from 1999

Percent change from 1999

Amount ($1,000)
Percent change from 1999 Average per employee (dollars)
Los Angeles, CA 3,863,871 3.1 226,282 1.7 141,269,669 7.9 36,562
Cook, IL 2,554,006 2.1 128,165 0.4 105,183,440 7.9 41,184
New York, NY 1/ 2,080,875 3.9 107,781 2.0 157,610,673 18.1 75,742
Harris, TX 1,641,038 1.1 84,792 0.8 65,133,759 8.5 39,691
Dallas, TX 1,478,116 2.5 63,807 0.0 62,039,751 9.0 41,972
Orange, CA 1,378,717 3.6 78,556 2.6 52,421,059 10.3 38,022
Maricopa, AZ 1,354,249 3.8 72,014 2.2 44,315,326 10.5 32,723
San Diego, CA 1,052,214 3.6 67,922 3.1 37,719,724 11.4 35,848
King, WA 1,032,886 2.8 59,811 0.8 51,887,720 14.9 50,236
Santa Clara, CA 999,519 6.2 45,655 1.7 76,783,213 36.7 76,820
Hennepin, MN 865,368 1.3 39,137 0.7 35,811,676 9.5 41,383
Dade, FL 854,389 -1.0 66,509 -0.1 26,994,183 4.4 31,595
Middlesex, MA 852,954 4.7 43,074 1.2 44,146,049 19.4 51,757
Oakland, MI 791,090 2.9 41,899 0.2 34,215,097 7.0 43,251
Cuyahoga, OH 778,909 2.9 38,206 -0.6 27,082,463 5.0 34,770
Fulton, GA 768,516 5.8 30,946 1.2 34,026,764 13.7 44,276
Wayne, MI 757,487 -1.7 36,011 0.0 30,367,170 2.7 40,089
Allegheny, PA 691,227 1.2 34,851 -0.3 24,488,066 5.4 35,427
Alameda, CA 655,730 6.9 36,391 1.9 28,627,936 17.5 43,658
Tarrant, TX 640,927 4.4 33,368 1.0 20,740,123 11.3 32,360
Clark, NV 639,155 7.0 29,631 3.9 18,786,150 10.4 29,392
Franklin, OH 626,841 1.8 27,967 0.5 21,035,298 5.8 33,558
Du Page, IL 620,680 2.3 32,376 0.6 25,299,004 4.1 40,760
Broward, FL 619,401 3.9 50,328 1.7 19,111,362 10.8 30,855
Philadelphia, PA 606,509 1.1 25,782 -0.9 22,820,181 7.0 37,625
St. Louis, MO 586,848 0.8 30,161 -0.6 21,189,987 5.1 36,108
Orange, FL 574,933 2.8 26,391 2.0 17,100,136 8.3 29,743
Bexar, TX 571,900 4.7 29,799 0.3 16,974,831 15.8 29,681
Suffolk, MA 571,117 4.4 20,589 1.4 30,768,397 14.9 53,874
Marion, IN 564,665 3.8 24,388 -0.1 20,172,358 5.5 35,724
Nassau, NY 562,350 3.5 47,201 1.1 20,925,755 6.8 37,211
Hamilton, OH 556,563 2.9 24,896 0.2 19,359,336 5.6 34,784
San Francisco, CA 555,647 3.7 31,406 0.7 31,060,972 17.8 55,901
Suffolk, NY 522,800 4.6 43,465 2.3 19,023,407 12.1 36,388
Fairfax, VA 509,141 8.4 25,580 1.7 27,217,339 -1.0 53,457
Hillsborough, FL 502,834 0.2 26,834 1.6 16,185,281 8.6 32,188
Mecklenburg, NC 498,694 3.5 24,245 2.0 18,871,317 11.0 37,841
Montgomery, PA 497,214 1.1 25,800 0.8 21,121,594 12.4 42,480
Salt Lake, UT 480,875 1.1 25,935 2.4 14,719,037 6.8 30,609
Milwaukee, WI 480,572 1.7 21,315 -0.4 16,455,344 5.0 34,241
Shelby, TN 477,299 3.0 21,343 -0.3 15,339,492 6.3 32,138
Hartford, CT 476,640 0.9 23,198 -0.3 19,970,832 7.6 41,899
Queens, NY 2/ 475,670 4.6 36,309 1.5 15,643,640 7.5 32,888
Bergen, NJ 469,175 3.1 33,175 0.4 21,000,288 10.6 44,760
San Bernardino, CA 465,627 5.6 27,079 1.3 12,798,831 8.8 27,487
Palm Beach, FL 448,651 4.9 36,510 1.6 14,984,163 14.7 33,398
Travis, TX 446,089 8.4 23,548 3.0 19,973,119 21.0 44,774
Fairfield, CT 444,930 2.0 28,587 0.1 25,894,338 12.5 58,199
Pinellas, FL 441,062 8.0 26,090 0.0 12,852,507 16.8 29,140
Kings, NY 3/ 431,792 2.4 38,155 1.9 12,732,387 5.3 29,487
1/ Manhattan portion of New York City
2/ Queens portion of New York City
3/ Brooklyn portion of New York City
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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: August 09, 2007