USGS - science for a changing world

Biology - Invasive Species Program

USGS: Biology arrow icon Invasives Home * Research by Science Center * Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center (PIERC)

677 Ala Moana Blvd.
Suite 615
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808-587-7452
Fax: 808-587-7451


Samples of Invasives-related research at PIERC:

Project Highlight

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. Developing New Strategies to Manage Mouflon (Ovis gmelini musimon) in Hawaii (Principal Investigator - Steven C. Hess, PIERC) - The objectives of this research are to develop more efficient population monitoring methods and control strategies for mouflon sheep, including population surveys, barriers, attractants, and a coordinated adaptive control strategy. A key element of this research will be determining major social behavior patterns as they affect aggregation and visibility to resource managers.

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Jan-2008 11:45:36 MST