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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ releases CAHPS® 2.0 version

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released the Consumer Assessment of Health Plans (CAHPS®) 2.0 survey and reporting kit, which has updated versions of all questionnaires, reporting templates, and a computer program for analyzing CAHPS® data. In addition to the updates, the CAHPS® package has been streamlined by providing all the elements on three CD-ROMs. Basic instructions for using the surveys and reports are included in a notebook called the Primer, as well as on CD-ROM. The package includes a videotape to help survey participants understand the intent of the project.

CAHPS® is a set of survey and reporting tools, developed by AHRQ, that is designed to measure consumers' experience with health plans and report that experience back to other consumers and purchasers to help them choose among health plans. Surveys and reports have been tested to ensure they will provide reliable and valid information in easily understood formats.

CAHPS® Links:

The CAHPS® 2.0 package (AHRQ Publication No. 99-0039) is available from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse.

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