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Scheduling a Briefing to the IRAC

Public Presentation to or Receiving Advice from the IRAC

Members of the public who would like to make a presentation to or receive advice from the IRAC should contact the IRAC Chairperson (the Deputy Associate Administrator for Domestic Spectrum Management) at least two weeks before the intended IRAC meeting. If the Chairperson deems the subject to be in accordance with the guidance below, the IRAC Executive Secretary will place the item on an appropriate IRAC agenda. A period of up to twenty minutes will normally be provided for any presentation with additional time for responses from the IRAC.

Members of the public who are preparing presentations to the IRAC should consider the following: (1) the IRAC serves in an advisory capacity to NTIA and the Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information relative to spectrum issues and is not the Executive Branch decision body on spectrum management issues; (2) the member-agency representatives manage, or coordinate, spectrum use by diverse types of radiocommunications facilities and services in their respective agencies; (3) some of these services are obtained from Government-owned facilities and some are obtained from privately-owned facilities; and (4) the member-agency representatives generally do not award grants or contracts for radio facilities or services of their respective agencies; (5) the IRAC awards neither grants nor contracts of any kind.

Presentations to the IRAC by the public may include the following:
  1. Descriptions of developing technologies or innovative applications of existing technologies that are relevant to radio frequency spectrum management or usage.
  2. Proposals for new radiocommunication services or improved approaches for spectrum management.
  3. Comments on spectrum issues currently being addressed by the IRAC.

Information provided by the public during the open portions of IRAC meetings shall have no distribution restrictions.



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