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OSM Training

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
Radio Frequency Spectrum Management Course

Open to Representatives of Developing Nations

National Telecommunications and Information Administration
ComSearch and Alion Science & Technology

Course Description

Developing and managing a national radio frequency spectrum management agency requires a highly trained, technical staff to meet the daily as well as long-range spectrum requirements resulting in the implementation of new systems and technologies. This course addresses the various elements required to plan, organize, manage, and control an effective spectrum management agency with the developing nation in mind. Participants will be introduced to spectrum management principles, national spectrum planning and policy, engineering analysis, and computer-aided techniques. In addition, the course will introduce technological and regulatory changes that have taken place over the past few years.

The course generally covers these processes in detail, including sections on international and domestic legal and regulatory foundations, and typical bilateral and multilateral agreements. The organization of a spectrum management agency is presented as a class exercise with the class participants developing the organizational structure of an agency of a developing country. Frequency assignment methods are emphasized, and new market-place forces such as auctions, and spectrum fees and charges are presented. Frequency allotment planning is taught as a class participative exercise with the class developing an allotment plan for national use of a land mobile frequency band. Computerization of the spectrum management processes is presented including a demonstration of the latest spectrum management software. Special sessions are taught on engineering analysis, electromagnetic compatibility, spectrum measurements and monitoring, propagation, and technical standards. The radio services with great interest such as land mobile communications and satellite communications are given special attention.

The course is taught primarily by experts from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the President's principal adviser on telecommunications matters, and manager of the Federal Government's use of the spectrum. A land mobile radio services all-day section, given by Motorola experts will focus on new technologies, as well as associated regulatory (national and international) issues and framework. ComSearch experts will present spectrum management computer-aided techniques for frequency engineering of land mobile and cellular systems, microwave radio relay communications, and satellite-Earth station coordination.

Participant Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to: 1) understand the appropriate principles and policies of an effective radio frequency spectrum management program; 2) identify, evaluate, and select the appropriate management techniques to establish and operate radio frequency assignment and associated planning processes; 3) recognize, assess, and select appropriate technical support programs for engineering and electromagnetic compatibility; 4) understand the procedures and elements required to plan, develop, and specify computer hardware and software for a computer- aided national spectrum management system; and 5) initiate or review overall regulatory plans for new or expanded radio services, as well as potential improvements in existing regulatory processes.

Focus: Managerial, with technical emphasis.

Training dates: This class is offered every Spring. The specific date for 2009 has not been set.

Location: Washington, DC

Eligibility: The course is open to participants from developing nations.

Tuition: Free

For additional information, contact:

The United States Telecommunications Training Institute
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 702
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-785-7373
Fax: 202-785-1930
E-Mail: train@ustti.org

Using the Internet to read more about the USTTI and the other telecommunications courses offered, the web site is www.ustti.org


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230