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OSM Training

Spectrum Management Training Forum


The Spectrum Management Training Forum is an intermediate-level course designed to familiarize personnel in radio frequency spectrum management, presenting subject matter helpful to personnel new to spectrum management as well as experienced spectrum managers desiring to update their knowledge.

Participant Profile

The forum is designed for people with technical and non-technical backgrounds such as attorneys, economists, communications specialists, engineers, clerks, technicians, computer specialists, or other personnel. The seminar may also benefit others who require a basic understanding of the spectrum management processes.


Unlike the Spectrum Management Seminar, the Spectrum Management Forum offers a more detailed discussion on specific spectrum managment issues. The Spectrum Management Forum maximizes the time for two-way communication between attendees and our staff, addressing each topic in as much depth as required. The forum may focus on several spectrum management topics such as: spectrum principles and characteristics; antenna and radio wave propagation principles; spectrum management of space services; microcomputer spectrum analysis model demonstration; NTIA frequency assignment processes and procedures; Spectrum XXI software overview; spectrum management presentations from selected Federal agencies; presentation on the latest spectrum management issues; and, solving spectrum management problems.

The forum provides the opportunity for participants to interface with senior officials of the NTIA Office of Spectrum Management and the leaders of the Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC).


One to two days at the National Telecommunications & Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th St. and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230.

Registration and Eligibility

The class size is limited to 30 participants. The eligible applicant pool will be chosen from U.S. Government agencies, contractors nominated by Federal agencies. Two seats are available to State public safety service agencies. Admission is on a first-come basis. Early applications are encouraged, as the forum is often oversubscribed.

Application Procedure

Please complete and submit the online application form. A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant upon approval.

For more information, contact

KaTrina Dandie-Wylie
(202) 482-0893
email: kdandie@ntia.doc.gov


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

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National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230