U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau Seal

From the desk of Preston Jay Waite, Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer:

I will be retiring from the Census Bureau effective May 2. Judy and I will be leaving for Utah shortly thereafter. I have 3 daughters and 10 grandchildren who have been too far away from me for too long.

I will try to talk with as many of you as I can before I leave, but I want you to know it has been one of the great gifts of my life to have worked in the trenches with you these many years. Many people view their jobs as a necessary evil, counting the hours in a day. While I have not loved each and every day here, every day I have loved the Census Bureau and my work family. As I go back to Utah, I will take with me wonderful memories and ever-lasting friendships.

Having contributed 38 years of productive and, I believe, valuable service to the Census Bureau, I did not make the decision to leave lightly or easily. I leave you with reluctance, knowing the enormity of the task before you. Yet, I know that for me, it is the right time to go home. My life in Suitland has been rich beyond compare solely due to the community of census staff and the importance of our work. You have made me proud every day. Thank you for your efforts, your commitment, your passion, and your vision. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

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