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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Agency News and Notes

AHRQ releases FY 2002 annual report on research programs and financial management

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality recently published a report detailing the agency's research activities, recent findings from AHRQ-sponsored projects, and financial performance during fiscal year 2002. Findings from AHRQ's Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, as well as other sources, open the report with a "snapshot" of health care in America today.

Part 1 of this 150-plus page report presents information on newly initiated and ongoing programs underway in FY 2002, including examples of some recent accomplishments and a description of the research priorities that will shape AHRQ's activities in the months and years ahead. The agency's organizational structure, functional components, and national advisory council are described, and examples of key research initiatives, partnerships with other agencies and organizations, and collaborative research underway across the nation are presented.

Part 2 of the report presents an overview of AHRQ's financial performance in FY 2002, including budgetary information, mechanisms of support, and a brief analysis of financial statements. In addition, selected financial statements and related notes are included. They report on AHRQ's financial position, net cost, changes in net position, budgetary resources, and reconciliation of net cost to budgetary resources.

Select to access AHRQ's annual report.

Print copies of the AHRQ Annual Report on Research and Financial Management, FY 2002 (AHRQ Publication No. 03-00013) are available from the AHRQ Publications Clearinghouse.

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