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Census Bureau Tip Sheet

A product of the U.S. Census Bureau's Public Information Office

February 20, 2004 TP04-04




Voting-Age Population: 2000 — Internet tables show the number of people in Census 2000 age 18 and over by race, ethnicity, gender and citizenship status for the nation and the states. Also, voting age population, gender and citizenship for the nation’s counties. (Scheduled for release on Feb. 26.)


These Old Houses: 2001 — National and regional information on housing units built 82 or more years ago; characteristics of these units compared with units built after 1989. Data are from the 2001 American Housing Survey’s national sample. (Scheduled for release on Feb. 24.)

Local Employment Dynamics (LED): A Profile of Older Workers in Oregon — This report highlights Oregon's older workers by industry, including age, job gains and losses, concentrations of older workers, job stability and earnings. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Feb. 22.)

Children and the Households They Live In: 2000 — Social and economic characteristics of the nation’s 72 million children. Summary data for the nation, states and some large cities range from children living in their grandparents’ household to those living with foreign-born householders. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Feb. 29.)

Geographical Mobility: 2002 to 2003 — National and regional information on how often and how far people move, along with characteristics of the movers and reasons why they move. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of Feb. 29.)

U.S. Population Projections 2000 to 2050 — First update since January 2000 of the projected composition of the resident U.S. population by race, Hispanic origin, age and sex at mid-century. National-level data only. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 7.)

Census 2000 Brief: Journey to Work: 2000 — National, regional, state and selected metro area information on America’s commute to work, including average travel time, transportation mode, carpooling versus driving alone and departure times. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 7.)

Estimates of State Populations by Age: July 1, 2003 — Estimated population by specific age groups, such as voting-age (18 and over), elementary school-age (5 to 13) and older (65 and over). Numerical and percentage increases since Census 2000 included. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 7.)

Facts for Features: 50th Anniversary of ‘Wonderful World of Color’ TV — Statistical information from the Census Bureau’s demographic and economic subject areas pertaining to the 50th anniversary of the first color television sets. (Scheduled for release on March 11.)

International Brief: Global Population at a Glance: 2002 and Beyond — This look ahead (to 2050) at worldwide population trends summarizes two reports being released simultaneously: Global Population Profile: 2002 and The AIDS Pandemic in the 21st Century. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 14.)


2002 Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey — State reports on light and heavy trucks, minivans and sports utility vehicles, issued on a flow basis and culminating in a U.S. summary in mid-2004. Information on fuel efficiency, annual mileage, model year, primary range of operation, permanent equipment and other physical and operational characteristics. (Tentatively scheduled for release the week of March 14.)



Featured Photo of the Month — Starting on Feb. 27 and running through March 7, the sound of “rolling thunder” will rumble through Daytona Beach at the 63rd annual “Bike Week”, the world’s largest motorcycle event. About a half million enthusiasts from all over the world will gather to celebrate their favorite form of transportation. Visit <> for a downloadable and publication-ready illustration on motorcycling. (Tentatively scheduled for release on Feb. 20.)


Women’s History Month — A collection of data links, story ideas and digital media tools for use in reporting or producing news features about Women’s History Month in March. (Tentatively scheduled for release on March 1.)


Women’s History Month VNR — A broadcast feature roll-in based on a new statistical snapshot of American women. Available for online review and ordering via the Census Bureau’s home page. (Tentatively scheduled for release on March 9.)

Recently Released
[Since Feb. 6, 2004]



No recent releases.


Facts for Features: Irish-American Heritage Month and St. Patrick’s Day — 02/18/04 — Internet address: <>.

Facts for Features: Women’s History Month — 02/13/04 — Internet address: <>.

Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2003 — 02/12/04 — Internet address: <>.

Mini-Historical Statistics — 02/11/04 — Internet address: <>.


2002 Service Annual Survey: Information Sector — 02/12/04 — Internet address: <>.

2002 Service Annual Survey — 02/11/04 — Internet address:

2002 Service Annual Survey: Truck Transportation, Couriers and Messengers, and Warehousing and Storage Sector — 02/10/04 — Internet address:

Annual Capital Expenditures: 2002 — 02/09/04 — Internet address:



Profile America and Al Dia (Spanish) for February — 01/30/04 — Internet address: <>.

Profile America Special Edition for Black History Month — 01/15/04 — Transcripts and audio files. Internet address: <>.


African-American History Month: 50 Years of Change — 02/02/04 — Internet address:
From the Census Bureau home page <>, click on the African-American History Month icon, or go directly to <>.


For a complete listing of news releases, radio transcripts and the contents of the Public Information Office's Internet page, call our 24-hour Fax-on-Demand number on (888) 206-6463. Questions or comments should be directed to the Census Bureau's Public Information Office: telephone (301) 763-3030; fax (301) 457-3670; or e-mail <>.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Public Information Office |  Last Revised: August 09, 2007