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Wind Energy Guide

A guide to wind energy, wind energy development, technology and issues, photos, maps, and links.

Wind energy, a renewable source of electric power, is the world's fastest growing energy source. Wind power uses wind turbines to "harvest" the energy of moving air, and convert that energy into mechanical power or electricity that can be used for a variety of purposes. Wind energy is very abundant in many parts of the United States.

The President's National Energy Policy encourages the development of renewable energy resources, and the BLM is undertaking efforts to evaluate additional wind energy development on public lands, including the establishment of a national wind energy program and policy.

A basic understanding of wind energy, wind energy technology, and wind energy development issues is important to informed participation in the EIS process. The Wind Energy Guide section provides an introduction to wind energy, wind resources, wind power technology, and some of the issues faced in development of wind power in the United States. The Guide includes the following resources: