Mission Statement
April 30, 2007

Mission Description

The Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration will host the Plastics Executive Service Trade Mission to Toronto, Canada on April 30, 2007. This trade event will be held in conjunction with Canada’s largest and most important plastics trade show. U.S. plastics companies participating in this one day event will not only enjoy the benefits of customized appointments made by the Commercial Service but will be afforded the opportunity to attend the Canadian Plastics Trade Show and partake in some of the benefits Plast-Ex2007 exhibitors enjoy without the major expense.

The Plastics Executive Service program, to be held one day prior to the opening of Plast-Ex2007 will provide U.S. participants with customized, pre-arranged appointments with prospective partners, distributors, and/or end users. Additionally, participants will receive a pre-event briefing, and an entry pass to Plast-Ex2007 that runs May 1-3, 2007.

Commercial Setting

U.S. – Canada trade has more than doubled since the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement (the predecessor of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)) was implemented in 1989. Today, U.S. – Canada trade is valued at more than US$1.4 billion dollars per day and continues to grow.

Canada is the number one export market in the world for the United States and accounts for a greater percentage of total U.S. exports than all the countries of Europe combined.

The US$15.5 billion Canadian plastics material and resin market will continue to provide lucrative export opportunities for U.S. plastics companies. In 2005 the U.S. accounted for US$4.4 billion or 79 percent of Canadian total plastics imports. The plastics market is expected to grow at a real growth rate of 4 percent annually through 2007.

Mission Goals

To provide all U.S. export-ready, particularly small and medium-sized, firms a cost-effective, low risk, and hassle-free means to establish and develop valuable long-term business contacts in Canada, our number one export market.

To provide state, regional and local governments with a ready-made vehicle which they can use to introduce their rural and minority-owned SMEs to the Canadian market.

To provide all individual participants and multipliers with a successful export development experience in Canada.

Mission Scenario

PLASTICS EXECUTIVE SERVICE TRADE MISSION participants will be advised to arrive in Toronto on Sunday, April 29, 2007 and check-in at the hotel designated by the U.S. Commercial Service which will be followed by a no-host ice-breaker reception.

The mission program will begin in Toronto on the morning of Monday, April 30, 2007 with a breakfast briefing followed by a full day of individual one-on-one business meetings with qualified prospective Canadian business partners. In addition to one-on-one meetings on site, videoconferences and off-site meetings will be conducted, as appropriate.

PLASTICS EXECUTIVE SERVICE TRADE MISSION one-on-one meetings will be staged at a hotel in Toronto’s downtown core where each participant will be provided with a 6’ skirted table, chairs and signage suitable for scheduled appointments and the display of small samples and product literature. U.S. Commercial Service staff will provide participants with logistical support, information and any other assistance they may require to realize their trade objectives in Canada.

More specifically, for a cost of only US$1500 the Plastics Executive Service Trade Mission participants will receive:

This event provides participant plastics companies with a maximum return on their promotional dollar and the most effective and economical vehicle to join the largest and most dynamic trade relationship in the world.


Recruitment for PLASTICS EXECUTIVE SERVICE TRADE MISSION to Toronto, Canada will begin with the release of this mission statement and publication of this announcement in the Federal Register.

U.S. Commercial Service will accommodate a total of 10 U.S. participants. Applicants will be considered on a first-come, first serve basis.

Recruitment Start: Immediately

Registration Ends: March 16, 2007
Participants Arrive: April 29, 2007
No-host Icebreaker Reception in Toronto: April 29, 2007
Breakfast Briefing in Toronto: April 30, 2007
Start of individual appointment schedules: April 30, 2007.
End of program in Toronto: April 30, 2007.
Follow-up: As long as required

Recruitment and Criteria for Participation

Mission recruitment will be conducted in an open and public manner. The Commercial Service in Toronto will recruit participants by publicizing PLASTICS EXECUTIVE SERVICE TO CANADA on CS Canada’s homepage; http://www.buyusa.gov/Canada; via video conferencing; e-mail and direct mail to individual companies.

The criteria for participation are as follows:

Any partisan political activities of an applicant, including political contributions, will be entirely irrelevant to the selection process.

Contact Information

Madellon C. Lopes, Project Manager
U.S. Commercial Service, Toronto
480 University Avenue, Suite 602
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G. 1V2
Tel: 416/595-5412, Ext. 223
Fax: 416/595-5419
E-mail: madellon.lopes@mail.doc.gov