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Reduced NOx/Hydrocarbon Emissions via Oxygen Enriched Lean Burn Engines

EPA Contract Number: 68D98154
Title: Reduced NOx/Hydrocarbon Emissions via Oxygen Enriched Lean Burn Engines
Investigators: Nemser, Stuart
Small Business: Compact Membrane Systems Inc.
EPA Contact: Manager, SBIR Program
Phase: II
Project Period: September 1, 1999 through September 1, 2000
Project Amount: $225,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase II (1998)
Research Category: Air Quality and Air Toxics , SBIR - Air


Lean burn engines are a promising technique to reduce emissions while simultaneously increasing fuel efficiency. Lean air to fuel ratios (AFR) improve HC/CO oxidation while cooler temperatures reduce NOx formation. Compact Membrane Systems, Inc. (CMS) has shown that the use of oxygen enriched air (OEA) supplied by membrane modules is an excellent method to extend the lean burn limit in spark ignition engines. Successes in Phase I included:

In Phase II, CMS will customize and improve membrane fabrication for lean burn applications; test and analyze membrane system on a lean burn engine; test durability on membrane modules; and design a prototype for commercialization at the conclusion of the Phase II program.

Supplemental Keywords:

small business, SBIR, air emissions, engineering, chemistry, EPA. , Toxics, Air, Sustainable Industry/Business, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Technology for Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Environment, Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics, HAPS, air toxics, Chemistry, cleaner production/pollution prevention, Environmental Chemistry, New/Innovative technologies, tropospheric ozone, nitrogen oxides (Nox), membrane technology, membranes, hydrocarbons, membrane technology , ambient air, hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, emissions, Nox, oxidation, lean burn engine, nitrogren oxides (NOx), oxygen enriched air, Nitrogen Oxides, carbon monoxide (CO), oxidation of volitale organic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide , pollution prevention, lean burn engines, membrane modules

Progress and Final Reports:
1997 Progress Report
Final Report

SBIR Phase I:

Reduced NOx/Hydrocarbon Emissions via Oxygen Enriched Lean Burn Engines

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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